Surviving Minnesota!


Oh I'm sorry Ralphie. Probably some sick images you googled up I'm sure.

I'll maybe hit the Illness, Injury section of BYC. Always depressing to go into that area...lots of despair...but I wonder if I should not try to understand a few things about chicken PID. LOL.
I was really lucky with my first hatching eggs from Meyer hatchery (had 90%) and got cocky I guess. The only ever real luck I had was with Guinea hen eggs. No more ebay eggs for me. They get here pretty fast and have been wrapped well/not broken but I just don't even think they were fertile. I did ask for the eggs to be shipped with the 72+ hour heat pack, but I think you are all right about the low fertility this time of year. I had never even thought about how the more populated areas may be rougher on the eggs, it's a really good point. I'm going to try again in March with HinkJC for the Orpingtons.
I wish I could go to Hutchison but it's a 10 hour round trip. We need some poultry meets way up here in the north. Hoping to go to the one in Floodwood. Will your sister be at that one if they have it?
Where and when is Floodwood? Is it a bigger sale or just a little local get-together? Only poultry or selling other stuff? My sister goes to alot of different sales, flea markets and auctions (she also has a nursery business and sells alot of plants). Give me info and I'll pass it on, you never know where she'll end up.

Okay Ralphie. I will take a Roo too. Sigh . . . . . . You are a good salesdude. And I can dr. her here because . . . . I will. We will see what happens with her.
Hey Ralphie, better send two Roos with, just in case the little girl doesn't make it, you wouldn't want the little roo to be all by himself now, would you?
Hey Ralphie, better send two Roos with, just in case the little girl doesn't make it, you wouldn't want the little roo to be all by himself now, would you?

Maybe 3 roos incase one of the 2 get sick and the roo
ends up alone again...

Or maybe 4 roos!

Besides everyone should have a Blue egg gene carrying eye candy rooster!

Jerry.. What happens o the comb on a BA if I breed her to a PC? Do I get a squishy comb? Pea? Rose?

I am just wondering what I would get cross breeding them? Lucky might be one of them who knows!~
Good day to all. Fresh snow here and cloudy. I doubt that we will see 30 degrees today, as we are no where near the Mn. "banana belt".
Good luck hunting the waskly wabbits Jerry. I have never eaten one, but I hear they taste like chicken?
Banties, I will do some checking regarding the Floodwood event. I have a friend that lives near there, and I am sure he has attended previously.
Good day to all. Fresh snow here and cloudy. I doubt that we will see 30 degrees today, as we are no where near the Mn. "banana belt".
Good luck hunting the waskly wabbits Jerry. I have never eaten one, but I hear they taste like chicken?
Banties, I will do some checking regarding the Floodwood event. I have a friend that lives near there, and I am sure he has attended previously.

We could all meet in Floodwood for coffee at Bridgemans,
Hi everyone!! We had our annual Valentines banquet at church last night so have been setting up for a few days. Had lots of fun and raised money for the youth groups trip this summer.

Coffee I hope your chicks aren't sick! Sorry u lost some!

Ralph that Andy is shaping up to be a good looking roo!

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