Surviving Minnesota!

Lizzie failed to report for coop lock up tonight. A quick check found her inside the hollow tree!

Tomorrow I will trying to put a cage around the tree.

June 30th babies!

Very cool!! I'm over here waiting for a broody to surface and hatch the eggs that won't fit in the bator!

The Radar right now

I hope things fare well at your place. Yikes!

Interesting.  My Great Grandfather was from there. As was my Great Grand mother. They had a farm or lived on a place called "Gallagher hill".    My Great Grandfather was  Gallagher.  My Great grandmother had no last name that we know of.

I wonder why she had no last name? Do you know?
Very cool!! I'm over here waiting for a broody to surface and hatch the eggs that won't fit in the bator!
I hope things fare well at your place. Yikes!
I wonder why she had no last name? Do you know?


Her family was a long time native of the area. The paper work from the time shows her last name as being Gallagher even before she was married, however, it was a "custom" from what we understand for a white man to "assign" his name to his wife even before they were married.

Maybe there was a stigma to mixed marriages ( it might even be a common law marriage and she just took his name) there are no records of her at all, really, before she was married. There is a record of the brother being hung for horse thieving but I do not remember if or what the name was on him. My Aunt had the 'info", but she has passed and I seldom (never) see my cousins to see which one of them has it now.
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Good Morning! Wow! Time certainly does pass fast. I think its called getting older. I dunno.

Going to St. Cld this morning and into the afternoon to the Quilt Expo. I am kind of excited as I have waited to attend this for two years.
Every other year its in St. Cld and the other years - in Duluth.

I won't 'lurk' again until this afternoon. Unless the Expo is boring but I doubt that.
Good Morning! Wow! Time certainly does pass fast. I think its called getting older. I dunno.

Going to St. Cld this morning and into the afternoon to the Quilt Expo. I am kind of excited as I have waited to attend this for two years.
Every other year its in St. Cld and the other years - in Duluth.

I won't 'lurk' again until this afternoon. Unless the Expo is boring but I doubt that.

I want to quilt! But my DW the WWD makes fun of me when I tell her that. Calls me unflattering names that question my sexuality.. She is evil. I happen to like quilts over blankets to sleep under. I use to help my Grandma make them when I was a kid. I thought it was fun.... Judy is just no fun!
That second one looks like a good ICU and broody breaking jail to me. Not too comfy and yet not too inhumane.

BTW do you see the irony of a place called "Beach" in North Dakota?
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Siggie where'd you get the cochins?
They are hatchery birds from Strombergs. But I think they are so pretty

LOL we call that chicken football here!

I just collect every hour or two in winter with a completely unheated coop.
I do get a couple frozen ones, but not as many as you'd think.

I'm curious how people with 9-5 work handle that? I've seen little nest box heating pads somewhere.

I don't think insulation would hurt any. If they can peck at it, they will eat that foam board insulation. Probably the silver bubble wrap, too. So try to construct it in a way that the insulation is sandwiched/protected from curious beaks.
I am thinking of sandwiching the insulation between two pieces of 1/2" plywood. Hopefully I will only be working my normal 4 hour days come winter but who knows with this place! So I think I will be able to collect early in the morning, after work at about 12:15pm and then I can go out and check every couple of hours after that

Bad weather in SW ND.. I'm coming back from league volleyball, which is about 1 hour 15 min away from home.
Hoping that my parents locked the birds up good.
Papa Martin, one of the girls dad's, said its hailing pretty bad, supposed to be chances of tornadoes and more hail.
Knew it was going to happen since it was warm and humid today
Hope the weather wasn't too bad for you last night! We had about 30 seconds of hail this morning and now it's just humid as all get up!
Good Morning! Wow! Time certainly does pass fast. I think its called getting older. I dunno.

Going to St. Cld this morning and into the afternoon to the Quilt Expo. I am kind of excited as I have waited to attend this for two years.
Every other year its in St. Cld and the other years - in Duluth.

I won't 'lurk' again until this afternoon. Unless the Expo is boring but I doubt that.

Ivie: Take some photos of the quilts you like or the really cool ones.
I want to quilt! But my DW the WWD makes fun of me when I tell her that. Calls me unflattering names that question my sexuality.. She is evil. I happen to like quilts over blankets to sleep under. I use to help my Grandma make them when I was a kid. I thought it was fun.... Judy is just no fun!
Ralphie you surprise me at every turn. I do baby quilts for friends. I can turn them around in a day or two. That's why I like them. I get much bigger I end up with lop sided quilts. Well my sewing machine can take the weight of a heavy quilt actually. and I don't have a rack to do a large quilt appropriately either.

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