Surviving Minnesota!

Ralphie I’m sending you condolences on the last SS you lost. I know you were fond of them as lappers.
I discussed the idea of letting my flock age out . As I’m sure I’ll be making college visits and DH may want to travel more without the kids. Idk. I’ve been weighing this each year for about the last 3 but I think I do have some good reasons to do it. I can maintain the coop and run so as not to let them be run down and return to chicken keeping if I wish. DH gave me a big yes on this decision but the chickens were never on his like or to do list. He’s a fan of the eggs but no interest In The hobby. He’s weird—
We shall see...
I found one in my run the hard way this summer.
Tore it down about 5 minutes later.
Took one down at work yesterday.
there’s an odd satisfaction in taking down those paper nests!

I find more than satisfaction taking them down, it is a joy that becomes almost euphoric, depending on how many times they got me.
I really like tearing down those suckers. LOL. And running like H-E double hockey sticks the other way giggling with my kids who may be watching...Ahhh. so fun.

Interesting in my knitting crocheting stuff I saw this pattern for an ugly gray crocheted wasp nest. I guess they are territorial and will not build if they see another nest...? A couple people swore by them. Then there is also a scientist that has their input as it being malarkey. For me...I'm like i'm out some ugly yarn? IDK....might try...
I really like tearing down those suckers. LOL. And running like H-E double hockey sticks the other way giggling with my kids who may be watching...Ahhh. so fun.

Interesting in my knitting crocheting stuff I saw this pattern for an ugly gray crocheted wasp nest. I guess they are territorial and will not build if they see another nest...? A couple people swore by them. Then there is also a scientist that has their input as it being malarkey. For me...I'm like i'm out some ugly yarn? IDK....might try...
Please post if you try it!!!
I really like tearing down those suckers. LOL. And running like H-E double hockey sticks the other way giggling with my kids who may be watching...Ahhh. so fun.

Interesting in my knitting crocheting stuff I saw this pattern for an ugly gray crocheted wasp nest. I guess they are territorial and will not build if they see another nest...? A couple people swore by them. Then there is also a scientist that has their input as it being malarkey. For me...I'm like i'm out some ugly yarn? IDK....might try...

I've heard this too about wasps being territorial. And 'scientists'? 🙄 Not wanting folks to experiment? Really? They just issue a decree and we must believe and obey. Like they and their priestocracy are the only ones who are allowed to assay an experiment or two? I think half the time they're guessing just like the rest of us dumdum deplorable commoners. I think you should go for it.

OTOH I have noticed if one doesn't keep on top of them, they seem to be willing to build a heluva lot of nests pretty much everywhere.
I've heard this too about wasps being territorial. And 'scientists'? 🙄 Not wanting folks to experiment? Really? They just issue a decree and we must believe and obey. Like they and their priestocracy are the only ones who are allowed to assay an experiment or two? I think half the time they're guessing just like the rest of us dumdum deplorable commoners. I think you should go for it.

OTOH I have noticed if one doesn't keep on top of them, they seem to be willing to build a heluva lot of nests pretty much everywhere.

I have bees upon bees here. I bet their territories are around 12 square inches.

If I get through tomorrow I will be one week sting free.

interesting side note.. when I posted this the first time autocorrect changed sting free to dying free.. I am hoping to go a lot longer than 1 week dying free.
I think half the time they're guessing just like the rest of us dumdum deplorable commoners. I think you should go for it.
It's worse than that. They have a preconceived idea and design their "tests" to support their ideas rather than accept unbiased data.

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