Swaps in MA or Eastern NY?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 5, 2011
Western Mass
I love to go to these chicken swaps. The only problem is that i can never figure out when or where they are. Can anyone help?
I'm also from Western MA.There is not to much going on in the winter other than the Northeastern Poultry Congress
in Jan. its the 19 and 20th. They generally have a very large for sale area.Tell them at the gate your going to the
chicken show or they will charge you to park,because there is generally other things going on at the Big E grounds.
I've been going for years its huge, the best time to buy is early Saturday morning, the good birds sell fast.
Hope this will be of some help.Go to Northeastern Poultry Congress for more info.
The Northeastern Avricultural Society(NAS) meets the 1st sun of every month except for July and August.Go to www.neasociety.com for info.If you plan on bringing birds to sell,make sure you have your npip card.You need to be a memeber to sell also.
In N.H.,Tony.

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