SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We are new to Backyard Chickens and appreciated the info so much that we wanted to share our experiences too. We are first time pet owners and decided on Blue Swedish ducklings back in April of 2015 because of all the wonderful things we read. Friendly, calm, great layers for how quickly our small family can consume.

Still trying to figure out how to create a page to show our coop, I'm getting an insufficient permissions message. Any suggestions on that would be welcomed.

We ordered 4, 3 survived and our favorite (even though you can't really have a favorite) is Dot. She had a really difficult first night, but we nursed her back to health. She's eating out of our hand in the last picture. We were pleasantly surprised at the color that developed in their beaks, and our daughter loves playing with them in our backyard.

Here are a few pics of our three ducks, have been enjoying them every minute from arrival. Hope you enjoy as well, and thanks again for such a great resource.

My hens sound like the Aflac duck. Your description of the drake's sound is spot on. The difference between the sexes is very noticeable by the noise they make. This is pronounced by the 7th to 8th week.

I know I'm preaching to the choir on this thread, but what a great breed! They are docile (my five year old can pick them up) are extremely hardy (my original hen/drake have survived 2 winters with temperatures dropping down to -20 here in Colorado with no artificial heat source), require very little in terms of shelter (a dog house works) and are great foragers in the non-winter months. The hen lays 1 egg a day during half the year, and what a great mama duck. She was 5/5 with her first clutch after her first year, and then after her second year was 12/12 with her second clutch, and 6/8 with her fourth clutch (a bull snake devastated her third before I figured it out).

Predators are the biggest challenge. Owls, hawks, and raccoons are unrelenting (coyotes are held at bay with good fencing). There's really no substitute for locking them up in a coup at night. My first 2 Swedish blues survived two years outside - but that was just dumb luck. After losing 3 ducklings this year (to an owl?), I just lock everyone up each night. Problem solved. Still have Hawks visit during the day. A rooster helps raise the alarm, but I suppose one day it'll work out for the hawk.

We are new to Backyard Chickens and appreciated the info so much that we wanted to share our experiences too. We are first time pet owners and decided on Blue Swedish ducklings back in April of 2015 because of all the wonderful things we read. Friendly, calm, great layers for how quickly our small family can consume.

Still trying to figure out how to create a page to show our coop, I'm getting an insufficient permissions message. Any suggestions on that would be welcomed.

We ordered 4, 3 survived and our favorite (even though you can't really have a favorite) is Dot. She had a really difficult first night, but we nursed her back to health. She's eating out of our hand in the last picture. We were pleasantly surprised at the color that developed in their beaks, and our daughter loves playing with them in our backyard.

Here are a few pics of our three ducks, have been enjoying them every minute from arrival. Hope you enjoy as well, and thanks again for such a great resource.

Nice looking ducks!
I have two black Swedish ducks that live out on my pond recently I noticed one of them went missing. How do I tell which one is male or female? I got them at an auction so I have no clue. I was also wondering where I could buy some more at so my other duck is not lonely.
I have two black Swedish ducks that live out on my pond recently I noticed one of them went missing. How do I tell which one is male or female? I got them at an auction so I have no clue. I was also wondering where I could buy some more at so my other duck is not lonely.
First thing I would do is get a secure setup for them so they don't get picked off.
Alright and how do I tell the difference between male or female? I can't really pick them up or anything since their on my pond and I can't get ahold of them.

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