SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No eggs yet, but I see the drakes trying to mount the girls now. They are not very successful....

Hopefully the ducks will lay here soon, now that the hens have knocked off for a bit.
I just came home and found my Black Cayuga drake dead in the nest with his grieving gals sitting beside him. His neck ripped open. I am so mad and upset. I have them in a 5' fenced in area with electric fence. Don't see any holes in it or where whatever dug under. Must have gone over. Thank goodness all the chickens are okay but now I am worried this critter will come back again to get more. I HATE THIS part of raising animals. Any suggestions to help protect the chicken/duck yard better?

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I had the same issue...strong pens..lost birds anyway. I ended up getting two livestock guardian dogs. No further losses to predators. Did have a couple bobbles with the dogs...one played two chicks to death...but once we figured out how to keep everyone safe, it has been great.

I had the same issue...strong pens..lost birds anyway. I ended up getting two livestock guardian dogs. No further losses to predators. Did have a couple bobbles with the dogs...one played two chicks to death...but once we figured out how to keep everyone safe, it has been great.

Yes, I thought about getting a lifestock dog but just not wanting another animal to take care of. Plus you have to train it unless you pay big bucks for a trained dog. Sigh.
The training isn't that bad, really, as they know instinctively what to do so all you are doing is showing them what to defend, but yes, it is another animal to look after. They have been pretty easy though...we installed a radio fence and I spent a lot of time training the dogs to it. They poop out in the pasture where I don't worry about it. I feed them while I am out feeding the rest of the animals. The dogs have been worth every penny and all the time, and they are not full grown yet. I'm so glad to have stopped losing birds. I was getting to the point where I was having difficulty sleeping or leaving the farm for worry.
The training isn't that bad, really, as they know instinctively what to do so all you are doing is showing them what to defend, but yes, it is another animal to look after. They have been pretty easy though...we installed a radio fence and I spent a lot of time training the dogs to it. They poop out in the pasture where I don't worry about it. I feed them while I am out feeding the rest of the animals. The dogs have been worth every penny and all the time, and they are not full grown yet. I'm so glad to have stopped losing birds. I was getting to the point where I was having difficulty sleeping or leaving the farm for worry.

Sunny Skies, what kind of dogs do you have? Awhile ago I bought "Livestock Guardians" book by Dohner and have skimmed through it.
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Ok so I don't no how to work this... if you are asking what kind of dog I have he is an Italian mastiff . sorry if your not talking to me!
actually I had the dog before I got the ducks he's not ment to protect them but he does watch over them when he is out with them but I think that just the breed they are very protective but don't get it wrong sometimes he wants to play with them and he chases them around the yard but I would imagine any dog that grows up with them will protect them. at first my dog didn't want anything to do with them I think he was more scared of them then the ducks were of him

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