SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had to share this sign
My ovations aren't working. Love this, gotta steal it.
Oh good, we got it from another member.. Our hen Lauren is nw broody.. Has anyone ever put ducklings under a broody mom?
Turns out my ducklings are Cayuga's :p they have no yellow/white now soon as their feathers grew out they lost the yellow 100% and it's all black and shiny green feathers.
I have a mixed flock of mixed breeds and am going to start incubating soon. Right now my girls sit their own with mixed success. I have a group of Swedish Blue x Cayuga. One of them has beautiful feathering and foot markings. Is it possible to specifically breed these markings? The two/three end flight feathers are white while the rest are emerald green and purple and green on the rest of the body and the feet are black and orange and up the bottom of both legs. The bill is black/green on top and black/green and orange on bottom.

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