SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey y'all!
I just started a thread wondering if you would recommend Blue Swedish for an urban backyard. Any advice is welcome
Don't know what to say, my Black Swedish is one of the most skittish ducks and my Blue Swede is VERY friendly so I can't speak for the breed. All my ducks will eat out of my hand though and at treat time, the shy ones are more concerned about the more aggressive ducks than they are of me. I think a lot has to do with individual ducks and how they are raised. I would say get the ducks you like the most. In my case I like to tell them apart, so I have all different kinds/colors.
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Probably depends on how urban you're talking about. Ducks are loud, so it really depends on how accommodating your neighbors are.
Good point! @Batduck46 , If they are purely for pets and not for eggs and this is a concern, you might consider just drakes. Drakes can make great pets as long as there are no other waterfowl or chickens around for them to get randy with. Drakes make very little noise by comparison. Also if you do want eggs and noise is a concern and you don't live in too cold of a place, you make want to consider Muscovies. Muscovy girls are much quieter than Mallard based ducks (which most of the other commonly domesticated ducks are). For noise comparison, a duck is like a large dog, but you can't train them to be quiet. A flock is like having a full kennel. Drakes and Muscovies are more like having cats (that aren't in heat). Mostly quiet and when they do make noise it isn't much.

Reference: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1073315/voice-sexing-your-mallard-derivative-duck
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What age can you tell Swedish ducks apart?
Apart? As in Male or Female? At about 8 weeks you can tell by the voice if they are male/female. The female will make a definite "quack", loud, the boys will kinda hiss, quietly.
Hope this helps.
Ha Ha I answered this twice, once from the Pekin thread. Sorry!
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