SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tbitt, I was really hoping for more too.. But I think I've worked out what went wrong and what to change.

One of the black ones has markings that think will turn out nicely (the one with the yellow wing tips). The bib on that one looks fairly neat...maybe a little small though. The other black one has a big bib (too big and probably a bit messy) and only the tiniest wisp of yellow on the wings. Not sure if it will have white wing tips or not but it should since both its parents do. It's meant to be caused by a double dose of a recessive gene. Neither has too much white on the face and the bibs don't go up the neck which is good. The yellow one I think will be white (bit of a shame since it means the parents are carrying recessive white....but as I said it's pretty common in Swedish here). If it was a splash I'd expect the bill and feet to have darkened by now, but they are still pink.

I'll post more pics as they develop
I LOVE your ducks! Makes me.wish I had more room/money...... Well, yeah I want more room and money but still, I love your ducks!

Don't we all?!? Hahaha! Thanks!
My splash ducklings have not been hatched yellow. They look like very faded blues, and obviously splotchy looking. Then the color fades even more and they get lighter, sometimes ending up such a pale silver that they are nearly while.

Sorry, I don't have a photo.
This is my Henry Girl (thought she was a boy when we got her but she got her quack at 5 weeks and alas...is a girl...but Henry just suits her for a name!) as a little babe...about 3 days old (she is the one in the back) My boyfriend bought 3 "Blue Swedish" ducklings for my birthday, one passed the next day, the male (who was no Swedish! LOL, more rouen cross maybe with a swed, was killed by a hawk at around 8 weeks and Little Henry is our remaining...I'm guessing a Black Swedish or maybe a cross...but absolutely lovely!


And here at about 2 weeks


Here at about 7 weeks (again the one in the back) The one in front was my Vic that was killed by a hawk...definitely a cross!


And my beautiful girl at around 19 weeks


Here at dusk around 21 weeks


And at 24 weeks trying to take a nap with her "husband" (Welsh Harlie Eddy)

ive been off the internet for a few days so i havent seen this!! id be the first to post i love my SWEDISH!!! they are so friendly
i love them more then my chickens
i named them after indian tribes
so i have cherakee, apache, sioux, nez perce... and black foot was killed a few weeks ago:( saddest day in my LIFE!!!

my ducks mean so much to me they are amazing i dont know why i didnt start with them.
THANK YOU for starting this now for pictures of my 5 (now 4) swedish babys


them as babys cutest little things ive ever seen

in the water for the first time that was sooo funny! still is laugh every time the get in the pond

thinking the rain catcher/dogwater is a pool to play in


cant seem to find the ones with each one so ill catch them later and post

I told you before i love your ducks

Im still confused about if i have boys or girls
yesterday i got three eggs so my guess as to two drakes and two hens is WRONG
do ducks practice homosexuality cuz a sware i saw the two mount and now three eggs out of 4?? URGGGG!!!
this is my first year with them they are only about 7ish months old. i got them from my LFS. He was awsome i just wanted 5... so he ordered 20 cornish crosses (hot sale here in idaho so he wouldnt have any problems sellling) to give me my 5 ducks!! very impressed
now im thinking of other breeds but i dont know if they will be as awsome as my sweeds

i love them soo soo much i still have no idea if i have a boy or not
but yes i will be breeding them if i have to special order a male. HAHAHA

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