Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Hi there!
I found the SFH last spring when picking out my very first chickens to raise- but unfortunately I wasn't able to find any available locally. I was only looking for a few pullets to start my flock and I could only find online hatcheries that had minimum orders way above my criteria. I'm looking to add 3-4 new babies to my flock this spring and I would LOVE to add some of the SFH (and possibly a blue laced barnevelder); I adore their coloring and I'm also looking forward to their demeanor as my almost 3 year old LOVES our current flock and has named each hen and gives them pets and hugs whenever she gets the chance. I am also drawn to the fact that they're a seemingly rare breed and I'd like to one day join in breedinging them to help them flourish!
I live in upstate NY and I'm looking for a nearby breeder who offers chicks in small numbers. I'd really like to avoid shipping babies and I'm not equipped to hatch eggs. Are chicks able to be sexed? I currently have 6 hens, and although a roo wouldn't be the end of the world, I love the flock dynamic we currently have. (We also have 3 male guineas and a female that free range with the chickens during the day and are separated at night in the coop.
Sorry for the huge intro... Glad I found this board though and I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge in this adorable breed! Thank you in advance!!

Wooded Acres
@wooded acres
I also have a breeding group of SFH, as well as @Raven625. Not sure where in NY you are, but there's a few of us here.
No, the chicks can't be sexed, but I do raise started pullets per request. They are beautiful chickens!

Here's a few of mine:



Welcome to the Swedish Flower Hen thread and your newest addiction! LOL Try @Melabella for chicks in NY.

THank you KYTin!
Hi there!
I found the SFH last spring when picking out my very first chickens to raise- but unfortunately I wasn't able to find any available locally. I was only looking for a few pullets to start my flock and I could only find online hatcheries that had minimum orders way above my criteria. I'm looking to add 3-4 new babies to my flock this spring and I would LOVE to add some of the SFH (and possibly a blue laced barnevelder); I adore their coloring and I'm also looking forward to their demeanor as my almost 3 year old LOVES our current flock and has named each hen and gives them pets and hugs whenever she gets the chance. I am also drawn to the fact that they're a seemingly rare breed and I'd like to one day join in breedinging them to help them flourish!
I live in upstate NY and I'm looking for a nearby breeder who offers chicks in small numbers. I'd really like to avoid shipping babies and I'm not equipped to hatch eggs. Are chicks able to be sexed? I currently have 6 hens, and although a roo wouldn't be the end of the world, I love the flock dynamic we currently have. (We also have 3 male guineas and a female that free range with the chickens during the day and are separated at night in the coop.
Sorry for the huge intro... Glad I found this board though and I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge in this adorable breed! Thank you in advance!!

Wooded Acres
Hello! I am also in New York, and can accommodate you in any way you wish. I am located in Dutchess County, NY, so not sure if we are reasonalbe driving distance to each other. I also can arrange to meet, as I head up the Taconic several times a month to go to Saratoga, and can arrange reasonable driving meet ups along that route as well. I also have something that may be of interest to you. Since you seem to have a backyard flock for enjoyment, and don't have a rooster, safe to assume I may have some girls you might be interested in. I also am running a test hatch at the moment, and have 4 available eggs for sale assuming they hatch. They are only a week in and I can also set up to 24 eggs at a time for custom hatching. I have 4 pullets available for sale. They are wonderful and healthy, but due to several factors i have decided not to use them in my breeding stock. 2 are about to lay any day, and two are all ready laying. All are under a year old. I can send you pictures of them if you so desire. I also have a young cockerel that they have been living with, unrelated to them, and so far, at 5 months of age has shown no human aggression of any kind. Let me know if you would be interested in any of these situations, and I will certainly send you pictures of the 4 pullets available if you should be interested.

Thank you!
Hello! I am also in New York, and can accommodate you in any way you wish. I am located in Dutchess County, NY, so not sure if we are reasonalbe driving distance to each other. I also can arrange to meet, as I head up the Taconic several times a month to go to Saratoga, and can arrange reasonable driving meet ups along that route as well. I also have something that may be of interest to you. Since you seem to have a backyard flock for enjoyment, and don't have a rooster, safe to assume I may have some girls you might be interested in. I also am running a test hatch at the moment, and have 4 available eggs for sale assuming they hatch. They are only a week in and I can also set up to 24 eggs at a time for custom hatching. I have 4 pullets available for sale. They are wonderful and healthy, but due to several factors i have decided not to use them in my breeding stock. 2 are about to lay any day, and two are all ready laying. All are under a year old. I can send you pictures of them if you so desire. I also have a young cockerel that they have been living with, unrelated to them, and so far, at 5 months of age has shown no human aggression of any kind. Let me know if you would be interested in any of these situations, and I will certainly send you pictures of the 4 pullets available if you should be interested.

Thank you!

I thought that perhaps you were the same one on the Facebook SFH groups with those beautiful hens.
I'd love to get SFH from you as well, and you're 2+ hours from us, so it's not too far, esp if we could meet part way.
So, those pullets aren't for breeding stock, or could they be with an unrelated rooster? I could do chicks or hatching eggs also, but I have some "bachelor" roosters that would like some unrelated females. Whatever would help improve the variety in my SFH flock.
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Hello, @Wooded acres!
As myfivegirls mentioned, I do have a breeding flock of Swedes. I can accommodate with started birds a bit later in the year. Ill be growing out most of my chicks but will be happy to hatch you a batch if I'm your closest breeder. Located 25 miles south of Albany in Hannacroix.

Good luck in whatever you decide, you'll love these birds!

Great thread! I have had chicken on and off for 15 years but I am new to Swedish Flower Hens. I just purchased hatching eggs. I am trying to determine what import they are from so I can find some unrelated hatching eggs. The woman I purchased the eggs from said she bought her birds at the Newnan GA chicken show in Feb. 2014. Does anyone know who was there selling SF chicks or hatching eggs?


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