Swedish Flower Hen Thread

THank you KYTin! Hello! I am also in New York, and can accommodate you in any way you wish. I am located in Dutchess County, NY, so not sure if we are reasonalbe driving distance to each other. I also can arrange to meet, as I head up the Taconic several times a month to go to Saratoga, and can arrange reasonable driving meet ups along that route as well. I also have something that may be of interest to you. Since you seem to have a backyard flock for enjoyment, and don't have a rooster, safe to assume I may have some girls you might be interested in. I also am running a test hatch at the moment, and have 4 available eggs for sale assuming they hatch. They are only a week in and I can also set up to 24 eggs at a time for custom hatching. I have 4 pullets available for sale. They are wonderful and healthy, but due to several factors i have decided not to use them in my breeding stock. 2 are about to lay any day, and two are all ready laying. All are under a year old. I can send you pictures of them if you so desire. I also have a young cockerel that they have been living with, unrelated to them, and so far, at 5 months of age has shown no human aggression of any kind. Let me know if you would be interested in any of these situations, and I will certainly send you pictures of the 4 pullets available if you should be interested. Thank you! Carmela
Hi Melabella! Thanks for the reply, sorry about the delayed response, I'm new to using forums and such! I'd love to get some chicks in the spring- I appreciate the offer for pullets; although I am looking to keep just girls I also like to raise them from babies as they are indeed also our pets. I wouldn't be opposed to straight run chicks. We have lots of snow up here still and the temps are too cold for me to start any new babies this early. Would you be hatching any in late March early April? Thanks again!
@wooded acres
I also have a breeding group of SFH, as well as @Raven625. Not sure where in NY you are, but there's a few of us here.
No, the chicks can't be sexed, but I do raise started pullets per request. They are beautiful chickens!

Here's a few of mine:




Hi myfivegirls!
Again let me apologize for the delayed response, still getting the hang of the forum. We're located north of Syracuse. We really like to raise the chicks from babies (lol, I say it like we've done this more than once) but we've found our girls and our guineas from last spring are so friendly bc we held them and literally played with them on a daily basis. I understand there's a higher chance of getting boys this way but I think we'd take that risk; we'd even consider hatching or own babies in the future! Anyway, thank you for responding, where are you located? Will you be hatching chicks this spring? Thanks!
Hello, @Wooded acres!
As myfivegirls mentioned, I do have a breeding flock of Swedes. I can accommodate with started birds a bit later in the year. Ill be growing out most of my chicks but will be happy to hatch you a batch if I'm your closest breeder. Located 25 miles south of Albany in Hannacroix.

Good luck in whatever you decide, you'll love these birds!

Hi Raven625!
Thanks for the info! That's a reasonable drive for us; when you say hatch me a batch, what exactly does that mean? I currently have 6 pullets and was looking to add 3-5 more this spring. I understand the SFH cannot be sexed but as I mentioned earlier I am looking to raise them from babies and I'd take the chance of getting some boys. I see many color variations in my search so far; do your pair produce a specific color or is it really a surprise? Not that it matters to me, I think they're all beautiful! Let me know please, thanks!
Hi Raven625!
Thanks for the info! That's a reasonable drive for us; when you say hatch me a batch, what exactly does that mean? I currently have 6 pullets and was looking to add 3-5 more this spring. I understand the SFH cannot be sexed but as I mentioned earlier I am looking to raise them from babies and I'd take the chance of getting some boys. I see many color variations in my search so far; do your pair produce a specific color or is it really a surprise? Not that it matters to me, I think they're all beautiful! Let me know please, thanks!

Sent you a PM Wooded Acres :)
So excited! I went to a poultry show and swap yesterday, and found some SFH chicks :)
They are about a month old, show nice speckles, and are not crested. But I figured they were worth taking the chance on.

I picked two with the smallest, palest combs hoping they are pullets.
My rooster will be so happy in a few months. Right now he is in the Barnyard Mix pen, and I think I see some evidence of his contributions to the first hatch I did.
But I love the colors of the SFH, and these babies are neat. One is white and red with the speckles. The other is red based, much like the rooster.
So excited!   I went to a poultry show and swap yesterday, and found some SFH chicks :)
They are about a month old, show nice speckles, and are not crested.    But I figured they were worth taking the chance on.

I picked two with the smallest, palest combs hoping they are pullets.
My rooster will be so happy in a few months.   Right now he is in the Barnyard Mix pen, and I think I see some evidence of his contributions to the first hatch I did.
But I love the colors of the SFH, and these babies are neat.  One is white and red with the speckles.   The other is red based, much like the rooster.

Congrats on your new acquisition !!
We love to see pictures.

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