Swedish Flower Hen Thread

i have a question if anyone has a method that works for them....How can I help my SFH get used to me, I feed and water them daily (so they are used to me by now) and just started sitting the run with them and they come close scratching on the ground and then when I stand up they all run and fly away, they are 3 months old, any suggestions?? I hold meal worms out and only one of them comes close enough, but she has been my most courious one since I got them!

my one roosters saddle feathers are just starting to come in and boy oh boy they are pretty!!

all but one of these are birds again from LazyQ on here! You guys should ask him to sell you some eggs, he has some nice birds! Out of the first set he hatched (my oldest ones) there were 12 total and there were only 4 roosters in that set!!! Lots of gals!

And here are the 5 I hatched from eggs he gave me 4 weeks ago now!

My mother took this picture of me holding a baby Swede!

my one roosters saddle feathers are just starting to come in and boy oh boy they are pretty!!

all but one of these are birds again from LazyQ on here! You guys should ask him to sell you some eggs, he has some nice birds! Out of the first set he hatched (my oldest ones) there were 12 total and there were only 4 roosters in that set!!! Lots of gals!

And here are the 5 I hatched from eggs he gave me 4 weeks ago now!

My mother took this picture of me holding a baby Swede!
You're doing great! Those are some pretty birds.. Have you done any 4H showing with any of them yet?

I found with mine that some of them are independent when it comes to physical interaction and others are more willing to be lap chickens. I've had both. You might find that those you hatched are a little more trusting than those you received a bit older. Be patient. They'll come around and trust you more and more as they get older. That's a weird age for a chicken. Mine have all mellowed at the point of lay.
You're doing great! Those are some pretty birds.. Have you done any 4H showing with any of them yet?

I found with mine that some of them are independent when it comes to physical interaction and others are more willing to be lap chickens. I've had both. You might find that those you hatched are a little more trusting than those you received a bit older. Be patient. They'll come around and trust you more and more as they get older. That's a weird age for a chicken. Mine have all mellowed at the point of lay.
Thank you I fell in love with these when I did a search on google for the worlds rarest chicken breed, this is one that came up! I hve not showed yet Im getting ready though! The fair is in 2 months and then Ill be showing them! I am going to keep staying around them a bit everyday and just spend time with them to calm them down then!
Thanks! I really am enjoying these birds. I still have my EE's as well, but these SFH's have definitely become my favorites!
Mine too!! Someone on Facebook asked me why I keep posting about them and why I want them so much? MY reply was because of the rarity of the breed I wanted to help do my part in the preservation of these birds and I want to get them around to shows and bring this breed before the public and hopefully get it to be a recognized breed by the American Poultry Association! I did a search on google for the worlds rares chicken and this is one of the breeds that came up, I saw pictures and fell in love, and said to myself that is the breed I want my last 4H project to be!! And a side bonus not just the roosters a colorful like some other breeds!!
I have been a chicken enthusiast for 30 years. I am looking for a small starter flock of Swedish Flower Hens. We live in PA. My husband works in MD. Either would work. If you could please contact me, I would be most appreciative.
[email protected]
Twirl of happiness!!

And more hatching today.

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