Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Hey all I am asking now if there is anyone I can put down as interested in getting into the "program"....I am trying to set this up, the ALBC has said there needs to be at least 50 breeding birds in a community....The community can be of anyone who has the Swedish Flower Hen and wants to help the breed! We will be the first official with the American Livestock Breed Conservancy.....Now within the community we would need to swap bloodlines on a regular basis, all this means is that we need to send each other eggs or chicks so we can all get new bloodlines to keep the genetics diverse! So if you are interested pm me or post here and I will be in contact with you, again please help the SFH I believe they deserve it!
Hey Justin! I mentioned it on the other page. I will help with anything I can. I would really like to get this breed recognized as well. Just let me know what you need or what I can do to help.
Oh what to do what to do... Do I pull the trigger now and buy SFH that I have to raise through the heat of the summer, then flip the rest of my flock when they are moulting and the SFH start laying in August... Or do I wait till August and raise the SFH while I gradually send my current flock to freezer camp?

Need vs Greed...

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