Swedish Flower Hen Thread

well, good news and bad news... good news, i passed the chicks that hatched along to bulldogma, so she's got new peepers to raise up, and i got a baby (uncrested) roo from her that's just the sweetest thing...

bad news, redneck, aka underfoot, seems to be accident prone. first he got stepped on, ripped feathers from his breast and split the skin pretty bad. a bit of superglue to hold it together for a few days, and he was good as new, the scab was almost gone. and today, he got stepped on again! this time his leg. looks like it was shattered in several spots, so we had to put him down...

why is it always the friendliest and favoritest that happens to? why couldn't it be one of the 'SOB' type roos who you wouldn't miss?

either he was split-winged or moulting, and his tail would go crooked when it was wet out (straight when it was dry), but don't know if that was a wry tail or just a quirk. i was hoping to grow him out and make a determination of breeder or flock protector...

redneck's on the left, bubba (both crested) on the right. the 2 girls in the background, and also individually below...

blue mottled w/ red leakage on her neck

blue/red mottled crested girl.

no pics of the new little boy or his 3 new pullet friends that i hatched from some more of bulldogma's eggs a week or so after he hatched. 8) kinda funny. she got 3 roos i got 3 pullets...
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ki4got - HUGS! So sorry you lost your pretty Redneck (Underfoot). Hope the boy I gave you steers clear of Maggie and her big feet!
Pretty chicks, and yes, the older one is SFH. Congrats! Do you know the origin of the blonde one? I've (so far) never seen a blonde SFH like that except in a mix situation.

Woot and ty! I do not know the origin. One of the blonde ones the breeder said came from GF (the one picture with the 3 black and white chicks), the other one I have no idea.
Oh, hey it did. Never could post pics from my compute but works a treat from my phone. That's August with two of his ladies. They are thinking about crossing the road. NOOOO!
Well guys I am happy to say all that I have been working so hard for is finally paying off! I have been working 2 jobs along with going to school (and doing the 4H stuff for my last year
). The older man that was helping me out with everything and who I got the majority of my "layer breeds" from (even bought them and had some shipped from out of state) has recently passed away
and ALL his birds were left in his will to me are here and laying beautifully
! He also left me a sum of money to help pay for the feed until all the birds are laying and paying for themselves! I am an upcoming farm and I am proud to say that....not many people my age even care about their food or how it gets to the store, but not me I am very interested in getting all of our food from right here on the farm! It is very very important to me to learn this because I feel this world is going to have to go back to the old ways some day...I really enjoy this hard work and keeping busy because I have been raised in a very religious family and brought up to believe the saying "idle hands are the Devils work shop" So this farming thing seems to fit me to a T!! Well I am glad you guys may have taken the time to read this so I really appreciate it and now that I am starting to make money I will be looking to add new bloodlines to my SFH chickens....SO if everyone who will have eggs for sale this summer please post here or message me a pic of your breeding stock so I can pick and choose which ones I want to go with first! Thanks Justin ps ID REALLY LIKE TO ADD SOME BLACK PULLETS TO MY FLOCK ANY IDEAS ON WHO HAS BEEN HATCHING BLACK PULLETS?!?!?!?


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