Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Here is a update (and sex guesses) for my Bazinga babies. They are so bold and fun! This is at 6 weeks

#1 roo

#2 Crested Girl??? (hopefully)

#3 girl

#4 girl
Well, I know the eggs Leigh got from Jean came to me for incubating... 1 hatched and is growing into the pullet (I thought cockerel) I posted a few days ago...
correction to my earlier post... I HAD a pullet from Jean's eggs.

at this point I don't worry about predators any more, my blind horse is killing more chickens. she simply steps on them as she's ambling along slowly, and they don't move out of her way. so now i'm back down to 3 girls and 4 boys.
The SFH chick I got from Karen and Leigh was that color with just a spot of red on her head. she was almost all white with small flowers of red and grey. unfortunately I think one of the neighbors stray cats got her.

Very pretty! So sorry you lost her.
I'll let you know what this one looks like when it grows up. I really am very careful to make sure that I don't mix up the orp eggs with the SFH eggs, but the coloring on this one had me wondering...
Quote: Oh,no! I'm sorry you are losing your birds. I know it must especially hard when it is your blind horse is doing it.
Is there any way to separate them?
Oh,no! I'm sorry you are losing your birds. I know it must especially hard when it is your blind horse is doing it.
Is there any way to separate them?
even with her penned in the pasture, the chickens still go down there to dig for grubs in the manure... I'm losing fewer with her wandering the yard now, (the chickens still go down to the horse pen frequently). this one happened this morning during breakfast, the pullet was snagging some of the horse's grain when she got stepped on. I've had a couple others injured, but they're healing. most learn quickly to stay out of her way. it's the babies she gets the most.

anyone have an abundance of pullets and need cockerels? i'll trade! LOL
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Ugg my heart just aches
We had an family emergency today and I missed an auction on SFH! I only have 6 chickens and trying to get started. I bought a bator and everything early this morning with hopes of winning. My girls were so excited and now I wish I hadn't told them
I just I will have to look for another breed because that is the first SFH I have seen. Any suggestions?

Sorry! Honey really liked the look so I jumped on them, but it looks like there will be more available!
Good luck! I hope nobody is that upset!
Yvonne the broody is still hanging in there, I've only seen her leave the nest twice this week since she started. She ran out to get water, then right back. Now I have a small water & food dish for her near her nest. Is it normal for them to go broody so soon after starting to lay? She's very protective too, she won't let anyone in the roosting cabin with her. Instead of just taking up one of the nest boxes in there she decided to make her nest in the middle of the cabin where she blocks the doorway not letting anyone in- the other hens now have to lay their eggs under the cabin- which means I have to crawl on my hands & knees to collect eggs
Yvonne the broody is still hanging in there, I've only seen her leave the nest twice this week since she started. She ran out to get water, then right back. Now I have a small water & food dish for her near her nest. Is it normal for them to go broody so soon after starting to lay? She's very protective too, she won't let anyone in the roosting cabin with her. Instead of just taking up one of the nest boxes in there she decided to make her nest in the middle of the cabin where she blocks the doorway not letting anyone in- the other hens now have to lay their eggs under the cabin- which means I have to crawl on my hands & knees to collect eggs

How old? (I missed that.)

Last year I had a hatchery RIR go broody at 8 months old and take care of the chicks well. I thought that was young...and those hatchery girls aren't supposed to go broody...but she did. I've also heard other folks say various breeds have gone broody at that young of an age.
she's just 7 mo, started laying 2 wks ago & went broody this wk! I gave her 3 eggs from the other girls and she took them. I don't know how many she has under her now. Oh I I just realized I said it was Yvonne, she's the one that died the day this one went broody. This is Johanna- I know it's not important what her name is LOL

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