Swedish Flower Hen Thread

RE: Curled Toes & Riboflavin Deficiency

Quote: http://www.merckmanuals.com/vet/pou...vitamin_deficiencies_in_poultry.html#v3348007

Quote: https://sites.google.com/a/poultrypedia.com/poultrypedia/poultry-podiatry
  • Caused by Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) deficiency.
    • If caused by chick diet (feed that is out-of-date, formulated poorly, or not formulated specifically for chicks), toes start curling within 1-2 weeks.
    • If caused by diet of mother hen (such as solely Layer Feed--without access to Riboflavin-rich foods such as certain greens, etc.), toes start curling within a couple days of birth.
  • IMMEDIATELY increase Riboflavin in chick's diet. Give supplement or multi-vitamin drink with high Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), or Riboflavin-rich foods

Edited to correct. Riboflavin is B2 not B12
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RE: Curled Toes & Riboflavin Deficiency

I need to point out that Riboflavin is B2 (B-TWO) not B12 (B-Twelve) the difference is important b/c the sources for B2 & B12 are totally different. I'd say the article ment Ribroflavin B2 & they had a bad "auto correct/spellcheck" turn it into 12 which is confusing.

Interesting info & well worth trying to give Riboflavin to see if it corrects curled toes although I don't think that was likely the issue w/ this one SFH as the toes are not curled but rather bend to the side.
You are correct - it is b2 Good catch.
. I didn't catch that on the site quote and I will change it.

Quote: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/375288/swedish-flower-hen-thread/6810#post_12299335
This is one of the reasons we feed liver and other organ meats as available.
Posting updates of my 'Bazinga son' -- Sheldor. Got him at 13 weeks old back in July. He's filling out nicely, no split wing or curled toes. Now if only the EO rooster would leave his new tail feathers alone!

and the young cockerel 'Eld' a GFF July baby. Definitely looks like he's going to be mille.

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5 out 2 more pipped.

from Leigh's birds, Alma and Mace on the darker ones for sure.

the parents - copied from a post she made elsewhere...

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so, i have decided to let go of my SFH rooster, Max -- he's a marvelous bird, but i don't have space to focus on many breeds, and i think he's going to have to go. in case anyone within driving distance of Sonoma County wants a lovely roo! he's a little over two years old, very well-behaved both to his ladies & human visitors, and of course gorgeous:

ok well the count is now 8/10 with 2 late quitters... the last 3 hatched tonight, the other 5 were out by last night.

interesting to note, the 3 that were late were all from the same hen... 2 were also superglued into their shells (super sticky goo) and needed some slight assistance.
One of my SFH ladies is adamant about laying on one of the deck chairs, lol. If I leave them in, she will not lay that day. She is so calm about it...she sits in her chair, people can pet her, the dogs nose her, and she sits there until she lays then hops down and takes off. Her second place to lay is in a feed sack. More than once, I stuck a scoop in the bag and smashed an egg.

The downside is the dogs will eat the egg off the deck if I'm not quick, but it is fun to watch her lay her daily egg.

Hopefully, if the weather gets horrible and they have to stay in, I can finally break her of this.
One of my SFH ladies is adamant about laying on one of the deck chairs, lol. If I leave them in, she will not lay that day. She is so calm about it...she sits in her chair, people can pet her, the dogs nose her, and she sits there until she lays then hops down and takes off. Her second place to lay is in a feed sack. More than once, I stuck a scoop in the bag and smashed an egg.

The downside is the dogs will eat the egg off the deck if I'm not quick, but it is fun to watch her lay her daily egg.

Hopefully, if the weather gets horrible and they have to stay in, I can finally break her of this.

Maybe you could find one of those children sized folding lawn chairs that will fit in the coop and get her laying closer to proper nest box as an intermediary step

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