Swedish Flower Hen Thread

ok here's a question for you who feed FF... what do you do to clean them up when they decide to go swimming in the stuff? I've got one that's bald now because he kept getting it on his head and then it'd dry the others would pick it off (feathers too).

some are worse than others, the oldest don't seem to have a problem with it but the younger 2 groups are a mess...

If it's a problem, get one of those covered chick feeders with the holes they have to stick their heads through to eat. This keeps them from getting their whole body into it.
I have a question but I wanted to let you guys know how excited I am to have my first quad of SFH!!! I picked them up today and they are in quarantine for now. Happy dance! I was going over GFF's website and saw they have a pic of a heavily crested roo. His crest seems larger or as large as the roo I posted yesterday...? I'm definitely a novice to this breed but how can you tell when a crest is too large?
My opinion is a crest is too big if it impedes their vision.

I had one pullet that had almost a mushroom cap shaped crest....she was caught by a hawk.
Congrats on your purchase!
There has been some controversy about this topic. Most would say that the crest should not impede vision, as this breed is known for it's ability to free-range, and needs to be fully aware of preditors. I do not have any crested birds, but have read that you should avoid breeding crested x crested.

Thank you! This makes a lot of sense. :)
Fanny, I live in winthrop wa and plan on hatching SFHs this spring. If you are interested reply to me. I have full color spectrum and my younger rooster is gentle. I have never written on this and don't know how to send pictures. I can email you some directly if you would like. Jane
ok here's a question for you who feed FF... what do you do to clean them up when they decide to go swimming in the stuff? I've got one that's bald now because he kept getting it on his head and then it'd dry the others would pick it off (feathers too).

some are worse than others, the oldest don't seem to have a problem with it but the younger 2 groups are a mess...

I tried the chick feeder but most of mine have faces too big for the holes and can't get to all if it. I've seen people use plastic gutters mounted to the walls of their coops and it seems to help. I'm going to try this next. I have a cochin pullet who wears her FF daily. lol
I don't think the crest has anything to do with being caught by a hawk. I raised crested bantams for many years free range and they never had any more problems with being caught by hawks or other predators than my non crested chickens. Chickens turn their heads to the side when they look up at the sky. I think for our Swedish flower hens to have a crest as large as the show type polish chickens is not going to happen unless the genes for extremely large show type crests are already in the Swedish flower hen. I haven't seen any with crests that large posted to the list yet. I actually haven't seen a crest large enough to impede the chickens vision posted yet. That doesn't mean there aren't any like that being raised just that none have been posted in my opinion. I bred the crested bantams for over 10 years crested to crested and never had a problem with them as far as health and the crests never became as large as the show type polish breed.
I don't think the crest has anything to do with being caught by a hawk. I raised crested bantams for many years free range and they never had any more problems with being caught by hawks or other predators than my non crested chickens. Chickens turn their heads to the side when they look up at the sky. I think for our Swedish flower hens to have a crest as large as the show type polish chickens is not going to happen unless the genes for extremely large show type crests are already in the Swedish flower hen. I haven't seen any with crests that large posted to the list yet. I actually haven't seen a crest large enough to impede the chickens vision posted yet. That doesn't mean there aren't any like that being raised just that none have been posted in my opinion. I bred the crested bantams for over 10 years crested to crested and never had a problem with them as far as health and the crests never became as large as the show type polish breed.

In my case, the hawk or eagle doesn't really care about color or crest...it's more like who can they pick and carry off with the least amount of fuss and danger. Or the most dimwitted one who doesn't run for cover.

I put up fish net over two of the runs and that helped a lot.

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