Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I'm phasing out my SFHs and have a pair for sale. The cockerel is 6 months old, a crested, traditional red/black millefleur. The hen is 18 months old, also crested and is the gold hackle black mottled. Both are direct from GFF. $40 for the pair. Unfortunately I don't ship adult chickens. We're in Virginia. If I don't sell them at a local swap before, they will be available at Gilmanor in May.
Where in VA?
I would have gotten the pair if you were closer but you are 4 hours from me. If you wanted to get rid of them just to re-home them and would be willing to pay shipping, I would buy them from you.

I don't need to rehome them, I'm just not working with the breed anymore and don't need extra roosters running around. Posting here because many SFH fans are in Virginia and might be interested in the dark hen...which would only go with the rooster.

Keeping the other hens in the layer flock for eating eggs. They are sweet birds and good layers.
I'm phasing out my SFHs and have a pair for sale. The cockerel is 6 months old, a crested, traditional red/black millefleur. The hen is 18 months old, also crested and is the gold hackle black mottled. Both are direct from GFF. $40 for the pair. Unfortunately I don't ship adult chickens. We're in Virginia. If I don't sell them at a local swap before, they will be available at Gilmanor in May.

'Eld' the cockerel

'Helga' the hen

where are you located?
edit: nevermind you already said. LOL
need more coffee in the morning before posting.

I REALLY like the crested girl.
extra roos usually join the free range flock for the summer to help protect the girls from predators.
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I was just curious if any of you had any absurdly large roosters? I have one that's 11 or 12 pounds. His name is Roger and he's displayed huge traits since he was about two months old, got attacked by a cat once, had a nasty leg spring, and is now about 2.5 feet tall... I didn't think Swedish got that big.

LOL well, they don't normally, but there's always extremes both directions now and then...

like the thoroughbred gelding at the equestrian school I went to. his name was Lurch. he was every bit of 7' tall at the withers but so narrow a good wind would blow him over.
Just wanted to share some pictures I took a couple of weeks ago when we had some snow. I give you camo-chicken!

And here are some of the girls reluctantly coming out of their coop.

And my crested guy looking unhappy about the frozen ground. Why put down both feet when one will do?
Gorgeous photos. I love the patterns on these chickens, and how well they blend in to their backgrounds.

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