Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Well I caught the dog in action today!

Unfortunately I did not have my duty weapon on! I was able to track the feathers to the dog owner.

Aside from criminal charges I need to figure out what restitution should be.


1 Crested Swedish Flower Hen Rooster
1 Non-crested Swedish Flower Hen Rooster

1 Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen - Part of breeding trio
1 Rhode Island Red Hen


2 Rhode Island Red Hens
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte/Barred Rock Cross
1 Golden Laced Wyandote Rooster

Kinda shocked that was all that was done as the dog got in the coop! Feathers and blood all over. Looked like a poultry horror movie scene.

What would you consider a fair dollar amount to claim for the SFH Roosters? I now have nothing to breed with.
Good luck collecting anything. It is your responsibility to protect your chickens from preditors, and shame on you for even considering shooting a dog for doing what is instinctive.
Well I caught the dog in action today!

Unfortunately I did not have my duty weapon on!  I was able to track the feathers to the dog owner.

Aside from criminal charges I need to figure out what restitution should be.


1 Crested Swedish Flower Hen Rooster
1 Non-crested Swedish Flower Hen Rooster

1 Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen - Part of breeding trio
1 Rhode Island Red Hen


2 Rhode Island Red Hens
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte/Barred Rock Cross
1 Golden Laced Wyandote Rooster

Kinda shocked that was all that was done as the dog got in the coop!  Feathers and blood all over.  Looked like a poultry horror movie scene.

What would you consider a fair dollar amount to claim for the SFH Roosters?  I now have nothing to breed with.

I consider $15 to $20 fair. That's what I got if I sold one.

Good luck collecting anything. It is your responsibility to protect your chickens from preditors, and shame on you for even considering shooting a dog for doing what is instinctive.

I'm not here to fight with anyone but where I live, if a dog comes onto my property and kills or harasses livestock, I have every legal right to shoot that dog if I desire. The owner is required to pay for any damage or death to property or livestock. It's one thing if my chickens wonder onto their property and it happens, it's another if their dog comes to my house cause the owner failed to keep the dog properly restrained. There are leash laws here and the dog warden has told me to shoot the offending dogs if the owner has had at least 1 warning (which I always give 2) to keep their dog penned and they are required to pay for lost poultry or I can take them to small claims court. I know no one wants to do the worst to the offending dog, but not all dogs have intelligent owners.
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I understand your frustration and I am by far not trying to start a fight. I just lose it when I hear someone shooting a dog. From what you posted I assumed you lived in the country as you was able to follow the feather trail without crossing a fence. As a country boy myself I have had my fair share of troublesome dogs. But I also have had them shot for my mistake and just wish folks would think of the heartache caused by those actions. As a dog owner, mine are family. It doesn't just affect the lone owner but that persons spouse as well as the kids.

My run is far from safe. I elected not to put hardware down on the ground because I accepted that risk as I felt it minimal risk during the day, and they are safe and sound in the sealed coop at night. If something digs under, during the day then that's my fault.

My apologies for being abrupt. Things have been a little tense around here as a good friend of mine had his dog shot in a dog park by an overly aggressive concealed handgun owner just this last week.
I understand your frustration and I am by far not trying to start a fight. I just lose it when I hear someone shooting a dog. From what you posted I assumed you lived in the country as you was able to follow the feather trail without crossing a fence. As a country boy myself I have had my fair share of troublesome dogs. But I also have had them shot for my mistake and just wish folks would think of the heartache caused by those actions. As a dog owner, mine are family. It doesn't just affect the lone owner but that persons spouse as well as the kids.

My run is far from safe. I elected not to put hardware down on the ground because I accepted that risk as I felt it minimal risk during the day, and they are safe and sound in the sealed coop at night. If something digs under, during the day then that's my fault.

My apologies for being abrupt. Things have been a little tense around here as a good friend of mine had his dog shot in a dog park by an overly aggressive concealed handgun owner just this last week.
from the case you presented, that is over the top for rushing to consequences of shooting a dog. In my case, the owner has had 2 warnings minimum before anything is done about the dog. I'm sorry you've had people jump the gun with aggressiveness
Well I caught the dog in action today!

Unfortunately I did not have my duty weapon on! I was able to track the feathers to the dog owner.

Aside from criminal charges I need to figure out what restitution should be.


1 Crested Swedish Flower Hen Rooster
1 Non-crested Swedish Flower Hen Rooster

1 Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen - Part of breeding trio
1 Rhode Island Red Hen


2 Rhode Island Red Hens
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte/Barred Rock Cross
1 Golden Laced Wyandote Rooster

Kinda shocked that was all that was done as the dog got in the coop! Feathers and blood all over. Looked like a poultry horror movie scene.

What would you consider a fair dollar amount to claim for the SFH Roosters? I now have nothing to breed with.

$50.00 each for the SFHR, and the other more special birds. Sorry for you loss. Kern
Good luck collecting anything. It is your responsibility to protect your chickens from preditors, and shame on you for even considering shooting a dog for doing what is instinctive.

No need for apologies, you are entitled to your opinion. And it sounds like you have had a bad experience on top of it.

You may have posted some good insight without even knowing it.

You stated your family would be affected by the loss of the dog. My birds are pets, they will ride on your shoulder, eat from your hand, and more.

Now because some person let's their dog run my family has to suffer. Lucky for me the kids were in school. But they did get so see the bloody aftermath.

I did not invite this dog onto my property. Had I done that and the attack happened I would have a different opinion here.

Had the dog not been on my property this never would have happened. I don't make a practice of shooting dogs for no reason. But if I need too, I will.
@whitetailfever - I'm so sorry for your loss.
I agree with you that the chickens are my pets as well as a food supply for my family. Food supply value trumps pet value any day. Most of mine have names, most given by my kids, and I know when each one hatched. It hurts for each one that is lost and you lost many compared to one dog. Luckily, my donkeys keep the roaming dogs away.

I love dogs and have 2 of them currently, both adopted strays. As a responsible dog owner, I make sure they are under my control at all times - in their kennel or on a leash. They have gotten loose and gone for a run on a couple of occasions and had they caused any trouble while doing so, it would be my responsibility. I live among cattle ranchers and dairy farmers who will shoot if the dogs mess with their cattle and I wouldn't blame them if my dogs were on their property. I have no sympathy for irresponsible owners who allow their dogs to roam as a matter of practice.

As for value, you would use replacement value for the age of roosters and hens you had. That will vary by location. If you can not find any of the same quality locally, include shipping fees. Check your local craigslist and with other breeders to see what it will cost to replace them. For the injured ones, include any vet bills if you choose to go that route. If they have had a warning before, I would add on for pain and suffering. A large bill will often get much better results than a verbal warning.
@whitetailfever - I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs  I agree with you that the chickens are my pets as well as a food supply for my family. Food supply value trumps pet value any day. Most of mine have names, most given by my kids, and I know when each one hatched. It hurts for each one that is lost and you lost many compared to one dog. Luckily, my donkeys keep the roaming dogs away.

I love dogs and have 2 of them currently, both adopted strays. As a responsible dog owner, I make sure they are under my control at all times - in their kennel or on a leash. They have gotten loose and gone for a run on a couple of occasions and had they caused any trouble while doing so, it would be my responsibility. I live among cattle ranchers and dairy farmers who will shoot if the dogs mess with their cattle and I wouldn't blame them if my dogs were on their property. I have no sympathy for irresponsible owners who allow their dogs to roam as a matter of practice.

As for value, you would use replacement value for the age of roosters and hens you had. That will vary by location. If you can not find any of the same quality locally, include shipping fees. Check your local craigslist and with other breeders to see what it will cost to replace them. For the injured ones, include any vet bills if you choose to go that route. If they have had a warning before, I would add on for pain and suffering. A large bill will often get much better results than a verbal warning.

Well said! I couldn't agree more!

Also, to whitetailfever I am so sorry for your loss. I would be devastated as I'm sure you and your kids are. Some people may be cat people or dog people but I have a son who's a chicken person. It's hard loving such fragile creatures sometimes, but well worth it.
I completely agree with those who have voiced the sentiment that chickens are pets, and it not fair that, for whatever reason, a hierarchy of pets seems to be taken for granted by many people. We also have an indoor rabbit and for years have dealt with teasing from our families about getting a "real pet" (which in their minds would be a dog or a cat). Any animal that is given a name by their owners, brings joy to their owners, and is considered part of the family by their owners is a valid pet. I have a few chickens who know their names, love nothing more than cuddling in our arms, and who, as our pets, are just as entitled as any pet to enjoy their own backyard that we have provided for them. It would be wrong to knowingly stand by and let someone else's pet pick mine off one by one.

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