Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I guess not.   7 of 7 hatched.  I ended up helping the one that was having trouble zipping.  I don't usually help but I have never seen one stop zipping like that.  He/she was just not positioned right but there were no veins and he/she is doing great.

Congrats on your hatch Kathy
Thanks!  They are my first SFH and they are adorable.  Is there anyway to know what color they are going to be?  

Kathy you ask a difficult question. The fascinating thing about these birds is they constantly change colors as they grow. You never know exactly what you will end up with. Post pictures & we can give it a try.
Mine lay from cream to very light tan colored eggs. I think that it is just natural variation. The fact that they are so even sized extra large just makes me so happy!

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