Swedish Flower Hen Thread

SFC stands for Swedish Flower Chicken. I am in Evergreen, west of Denver. If you only want hens, you'll have to be patient. Won't know until 8 weeks or so to guess on gender. You can also check facebook for sources for this breed and see if someone has any pullets ready now.
Never heard them called SFC...

I think it's crazy that even the roosters are called Swedish Flower Hen chickens. I think Hen is actually part of the name...

Not being ugly or nit picking, just having a conversation.

Hope your hatch goes well. With all odds against my broody Marans girl, I collected one egg when getting other girls eggs who kicked her off the nest, found the eggs cold when she went to another nest waiting for someone to leave hers. I still had 3 hatch and it's so special having a hen that devoted to doing it for you. Sadly the Marans girl was very good at taking them out to forage by day 3. But one of the babies wanted to tuck in and sleep and she just kept foraging. Had a brown, blonde, & black/white one... I just love the variety! The brown one didn't make it as it succumbed to a predator, probably from lagging behind a bit too much.

Do you have pictures of your 'Swedish Flower'? I have never seen one at the feed store. Curious to see how close it is to what I've come to expect from mine. I know how they advertise Ameraucana, but in fact sell easter eggers. Wonder if it is the same type thing with the Swedish Flower?
This is what was gotten. I was hoping to see the SFH from the feed store also, especially if they were $4 each. Meyer & MPC are selling them. Neither are on par with what I expect. But... it would be cool to get rare breeds locally. My feed store does sell chicks from local breeders on occasion.
Here'sa few pics.

Never heard them called SFC...

I think it's crazy that even the roosters are called Swedish Flower Hen chickens. I think Hen is actually part of the name...

Not being ugly or nit picking, just having a conversation.

Hope your hatch goes well. With all odds against my broody Marans girl, I collected one egg when getting other girls eggs who kicked her off the nest, found the eggs cold when she went to another nest waiting for someone to leave hers. I still had 3 hatch and it's so special having a hen that devoted to doing it for you. Sadly the Marans girl was very good at taking them out to forage by day 3. But one of the babies wanted to tuck in and sleep and she just kept foraging. Had a brown, blonde, & black/white one... I just love the variety! The brown one didn't make it as it succumbed to a predator, probably from lagging behind a bit too much.

Sad to hear a chick died! It seems we finally manage to hatch something, thinking it has made THE biggest hurdle ever! Yes, I think it's weird that they seem to be called hens too. Broody hatched 2 yesterday. 4 possible to go!
Never heard them called SFC...

I think it's crazy that even the roosters are called Swedish Flower Hen chickens. I think Hen is actually part of the name...

Not being ugly or nit picking, just having a conversation. :)

Hope your hatch goes well. With all odds against my broody Marans girl, I collected one egg when getting other girls eggs who kicked her off the nest, found the eggs cold when she went to another nest waiting for someone to leave hers. I still had 3 hatch and it's so special having a hen that devoted to doing it for you. Sadly the Marans girl was very good at taking them out to forage by day 3. But one of the babies wanted to tuck in and sleep and she just kept foraging. Had a brown, blonde, & black/white one... I just love the variety! The brown one didn't make it as it succumbed to a predator, probably from lagging behind a bit too much.

:fl :jumpy

They are called Skånsk Blommehöna, which means Scanian (region in south of Sweden) Flowerchicken, but höna also means hen. I guess it's similar to German where each animal is assigned a gender (like the word for cat is Katze, and that's female), but it means both a male or female cat, just a cat in general. Then if you want to be technical or specific you use a different word for the other gender (so to emphasize that you are talking about a male cat you would say Kater). I guess höna sounds more like hen then chicken to english ears, so we got the translation of Flowerhen, oh well. I like it. Plus it's really mostly about the hens anyway, right?(I say as someone who ordered three SFH chicks just to get one rooster :eek:) ).
I not in any hurry. Thanks for getting back with me, let me know when they are ready.. My Email Is ________. Thanks

Just to let you know... most people will be OK if you send them a PM... so you don't have to put your info out there for everybody. You can edit that post if you like and get rid of it. I deleted it out of my quote since you can't edit my post.
I just got back from my dad's wedding up in sac and brought home 5 sweds. 2 roos and 3 hens. I'm so excited, my hubby was less than thrilled but a good sport!

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