Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Very exciting Paul!
The flower hens arrived in Florida in July during the hottest and most humid summer on record and seemed to do fine. They would hunker down in cool shaded sand on hot days and didn't experience any ill effects. Flower hens are from southern Sweden and are more accustomed to warmer temperatures. They would do well in Tennessee.

Hedemora --a breed we also imported-- come from a much colder area of Sweden and are not suited to life in Florida during the summer. They lay eggs during the winter as long as it is at least 5°F and are comfortable in the snow at -5°F. We are shipping our small flock to Montana for the summer.
When Greenfire Farms first imported flower hens from Sweden we received birds from a flock where the breeder selected against the trait of a feather head crest although this trait is accepted as standard among flower hens. We continued to look in Sweden for the crested variety and were lucky enough to find a flock where this trait existed. We imported four more birds from the crested flock. Unlike some crested breeds, the crest isn't so large that it seems to reduce the field of vision for the bird. These are fairly large birds; as large as marans, for example. Here are pictures of a hen and rooster that were recently imported:


That pullet is beautiful! She reminds me of the bantam pyncheon, but in full size. Cute!

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