Swedish Flower Hen Thread


Here is poor Sandy. She is two months and one week old. The others are not showing these symptoms at all. I thought it might be riboflavin deficiency because severe deficiencies can cause curled toes and the inability to walk- however, now I do not think so. Sunday and Monday morning she was fine. Monday evening she could not walk and had limited movement in her wings- especially the right side. This is no bruise or break or sprain, because when I move her feet or toes or hips she does not react. When she tries to get up and walk her right leg splays out in front of her, and sometimes the left legs splays out in back, too. She does not have good control over her wings, either. This has not gotten worse- she does eat and drink, looks around, cheeps, breaths normally. But it has not gotten any better. She attempts to walk and then falls, usually looks something like the above photo- right leg straight out in front. I found a very sweet vet who does not treat chickens (nobody here does) but she looked at her anyway. Vet agrees no break or sprain. Took her blood and sent to lab in Albuquerque. Vet consulted with others and believes it is Marek's disease. We shall see from the lab results, sometime next week. All my SFH chicks were inoculated for Marek's at Greenfire but apparently that was only for one strain, and there are three. I've been giving her Hypercium tablets in distilled water (out of a dropper) in hopes she will walk again. She really is a favorite. I love her coloring, her disposition. I wanted to breed her. I will give her a few weeks on that Hypercium and if no change I guess I will have to put her down.

I know how you feel and you have my sympathy.

Great information KKH. Thank you for sharing.

Homeopathy remedies are wonderful but be aware you only give them until improvement is shown. Stop it at that point or it will cause an aggravation to the problem. Also there are potencies. I would start with a 30C. If it helps but doesn't cure, I would go higher, like a 200 potency. Give the remedy some time. They do not cure instantaneously.

Yes I did- thanks! That's where I got the idea to give the treatment. I took me a few days to obtain the hypericum 30 because I had to order online- nowhere to be found in my area. I hope that doesn't hurt her in the long run.

Sandy is still alive, eating and drinking very well, peeping, interested in what is going on around her. Still cannot walk or stand up, but tries occasionally. I am not ready to give up on her yet, largely because of the way she is acting
So after selling my 2 chicks with crooked toes I'm left with 4 beautiful youngsters. I've got 2 completely Splash colored chicks that I'm convinced are pullets, 1 that is reddish blue colored with a HUGE crest, I'm thinking she will end up being a Blue Mille Fleur colored bird. I'm also pretty sure she is a she too!
The last chick I'm keeping is a Blue Mottled crested cockerel, he's got some red color coming in now on his head and shoulders, I'm really excited to see how he is going to mature.
Great information KKH. Thank you for sharing.

Homeopathy remedies are wonderful but be aware you only give them until improvement is shown. Stop it at that point or it will cause an aggravation to the problem. Also there are potencies. I would start with a 30C. If it helps but doesn't cure, I would go higher, like a 200 potency. Give the remedy some time. They do not cure instantaneously.

I've been giving "Hyland's Hypericum 30" tablets in one T of distilled water. I tried a medicine dropper but she didn't seem to be ingesting much so I tried encouraging her to drink it- and she does. Seems to like the taste. The above-mentioned thread does say the medicine should touch her nasal passages- will her just drinking it make it ineffective? And how long should I wait to try a higher dose? It has only been four days now. She is bright and chipper but no difference in her ability to walk or stand.

Also, I've read that the Marek's disease virus attacks the myelin sheath, which means nerve damage and therefore paralysis. Humans with similar nerve damage are encouraged to ingest a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids. I wonder if flax seed and extra greens are in order here.

I am super scared for the rest of my SFH flock. Nobody else has any symptoms but that doesn't mean anything. I do know that these birds were all vaccinated for Marek's at Greenfire.

Sorry folks will take future discussions to the thread that deals with injury and disease. I sure hope none of your SFHs get this! And of course it will always attack one of the prettiest hens- never the rooster with curled toes!

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