Swedish Flower Hen Thread

this is a major hatch for me. Only my 3rd hatch. My first hatch 0, second 2 out of 12 (ameracauna), I so hope I get some SFH out of this batch. My boxes were pretty beat up when I got them. We want to pretty much only deal in SFH as they're part of my husband lineage. Next week I am gonna order some day old SFH chicks from greenfire farms.
WOW, I guess so! I just sent you a PM.
There's a program called zoo...something. I bet Phage has heard of it. Kate in California told me about it. Not cheap, but worth it. 

ZooEasy. I use it to maintain a pedigree database on my dogs. It's very useful and I highly recommend it.

Also, setting my first SFH eggs later today, they were mail order, so hoping for a good hatch. :D
Thanks, folks. I mostly wanted to complain to folks who would understand my feelings. I know they are a small operation, but if you cannot make a ship date you should inform your client. That is just good business.

I have been waiting 2 yrs to be in a position where I can get my chicks and now I don't even know what is going on. It is frustrating. I guess I am just out of patience.
I understand how you feel. I'm currently in the exact same position right now and it really is frustrating. I've wanted this breed badly for a while and am willing to be patient, but have no heard word one. My paypal receipt says they were to ship yesterday but no tracking and no communication has me waiting by the phone, just in case.

Now I'll finish reading this read and see how it all turned out.. hoping it went well for you!
I understand how you feel. I'm currently in the exact same position right now and it really is frustrating. I've wanted this breed badly for a while and am willing to be patient, but have no heard word one. My paypal receipt says they were to ship yesterday but no tracking and no communication has me waiting by the phone, just in case. :barnie

Now I'll finish reading this read and see how it all turned out.. hoping it went well for you! :fl

It all went well in the long run. But yeah, communication can be difficult at times. But I now have 15 beautiful chicks. Almost twice as many as I ordered. They are 5 weeks old now and growing great. They were a week behind and I didn't get a shipping number until after I called a couple times.

Ok. That is all scattered. But we have a storm and the kids and dog are going nuts.
It all went well in the long run. But yeah, communication can be difficult at times. But I now have 15 beautiful chicks. Almost twice as many as I ordered. They are 5 weeks old now and growing great. They were a week behind and I didn't get a shipping number until after I called a couple times.
Ok. That is all scattered. But we have a storm and the kids and dog are going nuts.
I'm glad that it worked out. Maybe I should call them? I realize they're busy and truly don't wish to bother them, but I really need to know when they'll be arriving. Lots of preparation on this end. Storm is coming here too. Thanks for the update!

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