Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Picking up Mr. August today. SF cockerel coming all the way from FL to MO and I'm bringing him home to OK. What a well traveled lad he will be. I'm hoping he finds us amenable and feels welcome. I have 3 pretty birds waiting for him to arrive. Thank you to grownupinfl for him. I'm off to work and then to Springfield! Whee!
There must be some lines that are more difficult to sex than others. I seem to have gotten ones that are pretty easy.

I have 7 with almost no combs and no wattles

And another 7 with big red combs and wattles.

So a pretty good split on sex.
I was just wondering if anyone has seen a SFH chick with this type of coloring? I've seen lots of chicks and my little Bear looks different then all of them.

Wow that's a crazy pattern!

I tried so hard to get pics today, but the boys were not cooperating and the stupid camera dies after every picture.
I just got new batteries, so maybe tomorrow....
I was just wondering if anyone has seen a SFH chick with this type of coloring?  I've seen lots of chicks and my little Bear looks different then all of them.

That's very interesting. I've looked through lots of pictures of SFH chicks and haven't seen one like this. It's going to be fun watching this one grow out!

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