Sweetest colored egg layer?

Apr 16, 2020
Northern Florida
So im looking into possibly getting some more sweet girs for my flock and would love a green or blue egg layer. I was wondering what breed of blue or green egglayer you think has the sweetest temperment? I know part of it depends on how you raise them but i was just wondering in general.
If you want a specific plumage color and a hen to be more likely to be broody, Americauna. If you want something more affordable, 90% chance of a blue or greenish egg that won't go broody and you don't care what their plumage looks like, get an Easter Egger. I have both breeds. My Americauna is a non-stop broody marathon but her eggs are big and beautiful, and she is beautiful too. My EEs look kinda funky, but have never gone broody, and lay the same size egg and the same color. My EEs cost me around $3.50 and the Americauna was $20!
Easter Eggers are a good idea. Depending on where you get the chickens, you can probably find an Easter Egger composed of Ameraucana and a friendly breed. You just need to figure out the genetics in order to narrow down the best possibly Easter Egger for you. I wouldn't set your eyes on Ameraucanas because they are pretty rare and are usually a more cautious chicken. Good luck!
If you want a specific plumage color and a hen to be more likely to be broody, Americauna. If you want something more affordable, 90% chance of a blue or greenish egg that won't go broody and you don't care what their plumage looks like, get an Easter Egger. I have both breeds. My Americauna is a non-stop broody marathon but her eggs are big and beautiful, and she is beautiful too. My EEs look kinda funky, but have never gone broody, and lay the same size egg and the same color. My EEs cost me around $3.50 and the Americauna was $20!
If you want a specific plumage color and a hen to be more likely to be broody, Americauna. If you want something more affordable, 90% chance of a blue or greenish egg that won't go broody and you don't care what their plumage looks like, get an Easter Egger. I have both breeds. My Americauna is a non-stop broody marathon but her eggs are big and beautiful, and she is beautiful too. My EEs look kinda funky, but have never gone broody, and lay the same size egg and the same color. My EEs cost me around $3.50 and the Americauna was $20!
Americanas are EEs.
Americanas are EEs.
AmeriCANAs are EEs. AmeriCAUNAs are a breed.

Edit: A pure bred Americauna will have a specific and guaranteed color, pea comb, muffs, and a blue/greenish ting egg. They are bred to a standard. Usually ordered from a hatchery or breeder, and never from a feed store. Easter eggers may or may not be bearded or muffed, can come in any color, may or may not have a pea comb (but usually do) and have a small chance of laying a brown egg. They can be bought from a hatchery, feed store, or a breeder, and are much more common.
Ameraucana's are great, but can be pretty rare. Easter Egger's(Americana, Americauna, Ameracana, whatever you wanna call it) can be sweet or they can... not, but they are super duper easy to find.

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