Swelled face?


6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
So I have a silkie rooster who has a swelled up face and a little bit of bubbles coming from his eyes.. My whole flock came from a hatchery and hasnt has any contact with any other fowl so what could it be?
Wild birds can bring in bugs. Respitory things with discharge can cause the face to swell and the eye is connected to the sinus thus the air bubbles. We had one I actually thought it had lost an eye it was so swollen the eye was than sunken. Sadly when we got her to the vet she had to euthanise her and said its whole respitory system was clogged with junk when she autopsied it. It would have taken catching earlier and antibiotics to save.
My guess would still be fowl pox, which will run it's course in a few weeks, usually it's spread by mosquitoes. A few of my turkeys had it this year and it took about six weeks from start to finish, your rooster looks to be about two to three weeks into it. There's no treatment only supportive care, such as making sure he's eating and drinking and no one is picking on him. Antibiotics are only used if they appear to be getting sick from anything else during the time, otherwise just time.
Is it contagious to the other chickens?
My guess would still be fowl pox, which will run it's course in a few weeks, usually it's spread by mosquitoes. A few of my turkeys had it this year and it took about six weeks from start to finish, your rooster looks to be about two to three weeks into it. There's no treatment only supportive care, such as making sure he's eating and drinking and no one is picking on him. Antibiotics are only used if they appear to be getting sick from anything else during the time, otherwise just time.
Some say it is, but I have seen it as hit and miss, out of almost 75 total birds of different species I only saw it in 3 this year and I had it in one years ago. Mosquitoes spread it, they say the scabs are contagious but I didn't separate anyone, it's mostly gross looking, the birds are uncomfortable and often an eye or two is swollen shut but the birds try to go about their business. I did nothing, and they all recovered.

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