Swelling? Growth? Tumor? (Kinda gross scab picture warning)


In the Brooder
Dec 18, 2022
Hey all.
I just noticed a few minutes ago that one of my chickens has either a growth or swelling or...something, under her tail, theres a very big scab so I'm leaning towards swelling, but I'm unsure, it's very soft and she doesn't seem to be in pain when I touch it (but she does freeze up when being held so...). Judging by the scab I assume it must be a bit old.
Her behavior is totally normal, I wouldnt of even noticed anything was wrong if I didn't pick her up when she got out of the chicken yard today.
She is on the bottom of the pecking order but theres only one hen that messes with her at all..She runs and jumps around alot, though, but I have no idea when she could of gotten injured.
Any ideas?

I'll attach a picture but its kinda gross.


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Can you give her a soak in a warm bath (with epsom salt if you have it) and see what comes off? It looks like some or all of it might just be dried poop...

I'm not sure if an injury could cause soft swelling like that... It doesn't look infected and chicken pus is solid so it would be firmer anyway. Watery swelling like that is usually either egg yolk peritonitis (where an egg yolk is released into the body cavity rather than the oviduct) or sometimes heart/liver issues can cause fluid buildup. I would keep an eye on the swelling as it could be a serious issue (and the fluid can buildup enough that you need to drain it off), but I have had hens that exhibited mild swelling (like yours) one week and then were totally fine the next.
Can you give her a soak in a warm bath (with epsom salt if you have it) and see what comes off? It looks like some or all of it might just be dried poop...

I'm not sure if an injury could cause soft swelling like that... It doesn't look infected and chicken pus is solid so it would be firmer anyway. Watery swelling like that is usually either egg yolk peritonitis (where an egg yolk is released into the body cavity rather than the oviduct) or sometimes heart/liver issues can cause fluid buildup. I would keep an eye on the swelling as it could be a serious issue (and the fluid can buildup enough that you need to drain it off), but I have had hens that exhibited mild swelling (like yours) one week and then were totally fine the next.
Thanks for the reply! I cannot give this particular chicken a soak as she's very fidgety when being touched and would fight me every step of the way. I personally think it is a scab, but my current plan is to keep an eye on it over the next week and if it doesnt start clearing up I will attempt to clean it gently with a rag or soft towel.

Is there any other signs of heart/liver problems I should keep an eye out for?
The others could have been pecking her and stopped for whatever reason. Looks like it's healing ok
Glad to hear you think it's healing well, I was considering trying to clean and disinfect it but with how chickens get in hay, dirt, and whatever else, I thought it would probably be best to leave it to heal on it's own since the wound is already closed
Glad to hear you think it's healing well, I was considering trying to clean and disinfect it but with how chickens get in hay, dirt, and whatever else, I thought it would probably be best to leave it to heal on it's own since the wound is already closed
As long as you don't see it oozing or getting red or hot, it should be fine. :] just keep an eye on it.
Okay, so I went out to check on her and the scab (or mess?) has been nearly completely removed without any human intervention, very strange, would chickens maybe peck the scab off?
Here's a picture of what it looks like now, luckily it doesnt seem to be bleeding but now I'm wondering what to do.


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She may have pecked it off herself if it was annoying her, but there is a strong possibilty that someone else is pecking at her and caused the injury to begin with... If you have blu-kote I would spray it on there and also keep a close eye out for the perpetrator(s) as bullying/pecking can get way out of hand, particularly if hens are stuck in the coop. Chicken cameras are helpful.
She may have pecked it off herself if it was annoying her, but there is a strong possibilty that someone else is pecking at her and caused the injury to begin with... If you have blu-kote I would spray it on there and also keep a close eye out for the perpetrator(s) as bullying/pecking can get way out of hand, particularly if hens are stuck in the coop. Chicken cameras are helpful.
I know which hen it would be, they roost by each other too, maybe I’ll try separating them at night for a while thanks for the input
Hey all.
I just noticed a few minutes ago that one of my chickens has either a growth or swelling or...something, under her tail, theres a very big scab so I'm leaning towards swelling, but I'm unsure, it's very soft and she doesn't seem to be in pain when I touch it (but she does freeze up when being held so...). Judging by the scab I assume it must be a bit old.
Her behavior is totally normal, I wouldnt of even noticed anything was wrong if I didn't pick her up when she got out of the chicken yard today.
She is on the bottom of the pecking order but theres only one hen that messes with her at all..She runs and jumps around alot, though, but I have no idea when she could of gotten injured.
Any ideas?

I'll attach a picture but its kinda gross.
Glad that came off.

Get some NuStock cream and apply it to her bare bottom. This will help protect the skin from burns from the poop, help heal the skin and it may also help deter picking.
Likely she's getting plucked while roosting.

Do check her for mites and lice while you are applying the cream, if you find any, then address those with a dusting of Permethrin based poultry dust.


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