Switched to Horizontal Nipples


🥇Ukraine 🥇
6 Years
Nov 5, 2018
Tolland County Connecticut, USA
I seem to always be changing things up
for some reason. So yesterday I decided to switch over to Horizontal Nipples for the waterer. I have used them in the past but I always had cups also with them. This time I went from the flip over waterer to Horizontal Nipples alone. I did this for a few reasons. Main reason being a cleaner water source for the flock. @aart stated in a different tread that he only needed to clean his waterer a few times a year. In the summer I clean it every day due to slim build up. Winter I was doing it every 2 days. In the winter it's not that the water was going bad it's more the birds getting the water dirty. My main goal is to only have to change the water about once a week. Really anything over two days is a win win.
I also installed a 50 watt aquarium water heater in it for the winter. I wanted to make as little holes on the top as possible to minimize any possible water contamination. I drilled a 5/8" hole and installed a 3/4" tapered rubber plug in it. This will be my fill port using a small funnel. On the side I drilled a 1/2" hole and installed a grommet just under the lid. I cut a slit from the top of the bucket down to the hole and also a slit in the grommet in order to get the power cord in for the heater. The grommet is not really tight around the cord and allows air in to avoid vacuum lock. I installed 5 Lovatic Horizontal Nipples around the bucket. Bucket is hung from the handle using a standard shelf and closet pole hanger bracket. As the weather keeps getting colder I may add some insulation around the bucket. Once I installed in the coop some of the birds came over right away to investigate and started to use it. I left the old waterer in for a few hours and took it out.
Question: I have seen some of them use it but not all. Any reason to worry or the others not seen using it will figure it out once thirsty enough?
I am on well water so I hope the water stays fresh to get me at least a weekly cleaning/change out. I would think those on city water with the added bleach will do better. @aart what are you on?
With me needing to have duplicate of everything I do, i ordered Rent A Coop Horizontal Nipples this time because it looks like they have a little deeper notch compared to Lovatic.
And here's the photos:
One major side note :
Never add any treats to your existing feed. With some of the birds molting I added a bag of high protein 29% snack/treat to a bag of feed and mixed it together. What a dang mess. I sat and watched one bird for about 5 minutes pulling the food out just to get at the treats. NEVER AGAIN. I really liked this homemade feeders as I really didn't have any wasted food with it. So much for that!!!! You can see the mess on the floor under it.:he:barnie:barnie
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@aart what are you on?
Well water, high in iron.
Iron precipitate is about the only thing I need to clean out of water vessels.

Any reason to worry or the others not seen using it will figure it out once thirsty enough?
I've had all age birds either pick it right up within an hour...and others that take weeks to really figure it out.

Here's my thoughts on 'nipple training'.

First, it's good to know how much water your flock consumes 'normally', I top off water every morning and have marks on the waterers so I know about how much they drink.

-Show them how with your finger(tho that might just train them to wait for your finger),and/or manually grab them and push their head/beak onto the trigger(easier with chicks than adults). Laser pointer can help too, maybe better than fingers.

-No other water source, best to 'train' during mild weather when dehydration is less of an immediate health risk. I do provide an open waterer late in day to make sure they don't go to roost dehydrated, especially young chicks.

It can take days or weeks to get them fully switched over, just takes observation, consistency, and patience.
Think I'll mount the game camera and see what's going on.
If you are unaware of your birds daily consumption of water,
a continuous video feed would be probably needed to see who is drinking and who is not. Considering the cold weather, tho it's been warmer here, I'd suggest putting out an open waterer and the very end of the day so they can hydrate before roosting. Hopefully they catch on quick...you were using trigger cups before IIRC, that may help them catch on quicker.
If you are unaware of your birds daily consumption of water,
a continuous video feed would be probably needed to see who is drinking and who is not. Considering the cold weather, tho it's been warmer here, I'd suggest putting out an open waterer and the very end of the day so they can hydrate before roosting. Hopefully they catch on quick...you were using trigger cups before IIRC, that may help them catch on quicker.
Game cam also records short 10 sec vids, I just spent some time out in the coop watching and I seen all but one using it. She was just stuffing her face.
@aart which brand nipples are you using? Let me tell you why I ask. Originally I started with Lovatic nipples had no issue with seeping from the oring, spring feels stiffer. Now I purchased some Rent a coop nipples forgot the exact brand on the pack but they claim to be the originals I believe.
Spring feels less stiff compared to Lovatic making it easier for the birds but not as good sealing and I have 2 out of 10 that have very slight seeping from the oring. What ya think just a couple bad ones?
@aart which brand nipples are you using? Let me tell you why I ask. Originally I started with Lovatic nipples had no issue with seeping from the oring, spring feels stiffer. Now I purchased some Rent a coop nipples forgot the exact brand on the pack but they claim to be the originals I believe.
Spring feels less stiff compared to Lovatic making it easier for the birds but not as good sealing and I have 2 out of 10 that have very slight seeping from the oring. What ya think just a couple bad ones?
I have 2-3 brands, can't remember the names off hand.
One definitely has a weaker spring, those I haven't used yet.

Have also had one, or maybe two, where the seal leaked...I figured it was just a 'lemon' and tossed it.

I always test my installations by setting them were I can see if and where they might leak before putting them to use in the coop, crate, or brooder. Most leaks happen at threads rather than seal.
I always test my installations by setting them were I can see if and where they might leak before putting them to use in the coop, crate, or brooder. Most leaks happen at threads rather than seal.
I made 3 different setups one for meds and a spare. I also checked them filled up bucket and placed on tail gate. Came back and could see the "tray" full and a small puddle under the nipple. Tried working it around but didn't really help.
I made 3 different setups one for meds and a spare. I also checked them filled up bucket and placed on tail gate. Came back and could see the "tray" full and a small puddle under the nipple. Tried working it around but didn't really help.
Sometimes you have to look closely to see where water is leaking from.
I fill vessel then totally dry the outside of it off,
set it up on thin pieces of wood on top of a dry surface,
usually the washing machine...then watch for drips, flashlight can help.
if it's leaking bad you'll see it pretty quick.
Are you using smaller than the usually recommended 3/8" holes?

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