Swollen comb. Not sure what to do?

Chicks in VA

Bantams are the best👍😁
Mar 27, 2021
take a guess
My hen who is 5-6 years old has gotten a swollen comb. I'm not sure if it's a problem or not, its not visibly bothering her and it's normal temp and color. It really doesn't show up on pictures but I could grab some in the morning if it would help y'all.
You might try a pictures from straight on and from the side. Could she have gotten stung or injured? Is she acting normal and energetic?
Okay I will do my best to get pictures tomorrow, she could have gotten stung / injured I just don't think it's an injury due to the fact when I touched it she didn't act like it hurt. She is acting like normal , free ranging with everyone else.

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