swollen comb with black spots

Hello, just wondering if the neosporin worked. I'm having the exact same thing going on with my flock????? I will get the correct kind tomorrow if that worked for you.
From what I've read, a swolen infected comb can also be caused by Fowl Choleara. I've been reading up on it a lot since my roo died, and it said that either you can get sudden deaths (like I had) or chronically infected combs and mild illness from the same bacteria. You might want to google it.

MY chickens get the black crusty scabs on their combs from pecking, yep normal, but I"ve never had one swolen up like in the pic.
I've been putting neosporin on every day for about a week now. The comb's not looking much better but also not any worse, which is good. She's still not showing any other signs of illness and acting totally normal, so I'm hoping the swelling is just from a pecking injury that may have gotten infected. I'd noticed the swollen comb symptom in descriptions of cholera too, but again, since she's not showing any other signs of sickness, I'm pretty sure it's just a flesh wound. Sorry about your rooster though.

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