Swollen eye lids?


13 Years
Oct 24, 2009
A friend just gave me a white Japanese Bantam hen to add to my flock (as I needed a white hen to go with my white rooster).

When I got her out the box and started to give her a precautionary rub down with anti mite powder, I noticed here eyes are not the same as my other chickens and wonder if she has a disease.

The circle of flesh around her eyes (I think its the eyelids) is yellow (not red like my birds) and the circle seems more 'puffy' and thicker than normal.

Her eyes are wide open, and there is no discharge. She is not acting sick at all, and is a good weight. The poop was slightly watery, but that was probably from the stress of the trip in the box.

I have isolated her in an area of my garden where the chickens never go, and have been watching her from a distance - she sees very happy and healthy.

Do I need to be worried? Are swollen eye lids a sign of a particular disease? I don't want to mention it to my friend as he is very proud of his birds and so I can't give her back.
anyone any ideas? I am so scared this bird will infect my flock. I am so sorry I accepted her. I may have to cull - which I have never had to do before.
Any suggestions?

Still got her isolated, The eyes rings are still puffy looking and the cage smells really strange, like sickly sweet poop smell - even though her poops seem normal. There is no smell on her body or face.

Something not right though and I don't know what to do with her. She is still acting normally and eating etc.
Any suggestions?
Still got her isolated, The eyes rings are still puffy looking and the cage smells really strange, like sickly sweet poop smell - even though her poops seem normal. There is no smell on her body or face.
Something not right though and I don't know what to do with her. She is still acting normally and eating etc.
Sorry, this isnt a really active time on the forums.
You should get a reply over night.

I'm not sure what the issue is, but for safety I would seperate her until you know a bit more about it.

best of luck
Thanks for responding to my post!

After work tomorrow I will take some photos of her eyes. I was going to do it today, but had a problem with my roosters fighting and one fell into the fish pond and was covered in stinky black mud - so I have to wash him!!! Ahh the joys of keeping chickens lol.

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