Swollen Eyelid Condition & Treatment?


Sep 9, 2020
Our 18 week old Buff Cochin developed a swollen eyelid about 10 days ago. A few days later pox showed up on her wattles. Fortunately there are no pox in her mouth, nor does she have any nasal or eye discharge. There are no signs of respiratory issues. I got some teramycin antibiotics ointment to put on her eye daily, but that hasn’t helped. The pox have gone away but her eyelid is still very swollen. Any ideas?
:welcome Sorry for the late response. Have things improved ? Generally as the pox goes away swelling will decrease. Using the Terramycin ointment was great for lubrication and for possible secondary bacterial infection.
:welcome Sorry for the late response. Have things improved ? Generally as the pox goes away swelling will decrease. Using the Terramycin ointment was great for lubrication and for possible secondary bacterial infection.
Thank you! I will keep using the Terramycin ointment. I just ordered a Fowl Pox Vaccine to give to our whole flock, which was recommended by an avian vet nearby. Hopefully it will clear up soon!

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