Swollen Eyes on Chickens, Help!


11 Years
May 3, 2010
Sac City,Iowa
Noticed today that 3 out of about 40 chickens have swollen eyes,the worst one seems like she cant see at all and the others are just swollen so far.any ideas what it could be.Thanks! Mike
Generally swollen eyes indicates upper respiratory Infection. Right away get all of your chickens on antibiotics. You may have a chance to pull all of them through this. Good luck
Are there any other symptoms like bubbly eyes, sneezing, wheezing??? If so, then antibiotics are surely the way to go...Duramycin in their water for a few days...if that doesn't help you may have to go with something stronger like Tylan 50. However, just check to make sure they just didn't get stung or something....maybe they might have found an underground beehive.

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