Swollen feet.


12 Years
Aug 24, 2007
I have been treating Mary my hen since Tuseday. [June 30 2013] and beep putting pencillion in the scab part of the foot twice a day. I m using .5 mm. I did this two years ago to the same hen and it worked. But, this time its a lot worse. The one foot seems to be a little better. The worse foot just is not responding to all my efforts. I soak, it clean it with Hydrogen Proxide, and than I start to try and remove the scab which is very small due to the swelling. I have yet to get any of it off. I tried a very sharp disposable scalpel to try and get it off so I could hopefully get the puss drain. All I managed was blood. I tried to small puntures with the same result. I am not sure how long to keep gving her shots, and I am not sure of the dosabe. I did make a vet appointment for Sat., which I think I will cancel. I know it will be $$$ - and I am not adverse to saying Mary -- but I know the interest level from this unknown vet will be low. I just cannot believe with all the cleaning and working on this foot I have not achieved some hope. I have in her in the house in a box in my bathroom due to the temperstures outdoors being well over 110, and I do not think she needs added heat stress. The area I work in looks like surgical ward - its so clean -- but none of this seems to matter. My grandfather was a Missouri Vet who took care of mules and I am sure he would laugh at the work I am putting into this!

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