Swollen knee on turkey


Apr 29, 2016
Central, Utah
I have a male turkey that i noticed last week that he was limping. Checked his foot and didn't see anything. I thought maybe he had a sticker burr in it and i hoped i had goten it out.

Today i noticed he was limping worse and panting. Checked his foot again and didn't see anything. So I ran my hand up his leg, realizing the knee joint was swollen and quite warm to touch. The other knee is fine.

I have put him in a cage to keep him off the leg, but not sure what to do to help treat the joint. Can someone Please let me know what I need to do!

I have also posted this under the turkey section.
I've never had turkeys but ducks have a lot of leg problems and need niacin. Sounds like an injury though. I would try and keep him confined maybe . In humans Very hot either means blood clot or infection.
I hope someone comes along that raises turkeys for you.
One of my 4 mo. old turkey hens recently had a joint infection. Vet placed her on Clavamox (7 day course to start, however, the course needed to be extended another 7 days). She's back to herself now - no limping.
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