
Feb 6, 2022
hi i have a quail that has developed a swollen preen gland. she eats game pellets and fresh leafy vegetables as her diet. there was a huge amount of rainfall lately and with clay soil it stayed damp for quite a bit.

after the rain i was checking all the quails and she was the only one with a swollen gland. after washing and using a warm compress i could only massage out a teeny tiny bit of thick, orange oil. its still very large but nothing more will come out. i was wondering if it just sounds like its blocked or completely impacted?

the mass is 100% symmetrical so i personally believe its not a tumor and there is no wounds around the area either.

i have an appointment books for an exotic vet for 2 days from now but was also wondering what else i can do for her in the meantime to help her. im keeping the area clean, massaging it gently after a warm compress and putting vitamins in her drinking water. tyia.

p.s. she does not have any external parasites. i don't believe she has any internal either but is due for a worming soon.
The literature informs us that one of the most common causes of a swollen preen gland is a vitamin A deficiency, usually caused by a predominant seed diet.

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