Sympathetic molting?


5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
Hello! We have a few of our hens who are molting, but some of our birds who aren't old enough to molt, but have stopped laying, as well. Is it possible to have a "sympathetic molting"?
There have been many other issue (expanded coop, sick flock member) that may explain, as well as the shortening days, but just thought I'd see if chickens experience the Red Tent syndrome. Ha!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I have never heard of sympathetic molting, however this time of year hens will slow down in production a bit. The days are getting shorter, molting will definitely slow or stop the laying and other factors can slow or stop the laying. If you recently rearranged the furniture so to speak and the hens are nervous about laying, they may clamp off the eggs for a bit. Sickness, worms or external bugs will slow or stop the laying and they could be laying out in the field somewhere too. Hens will molt if the light changes quickly in their area such as if you had them on extra light and you turned the light off. They can "mini molt" after going broody and even start to molt while being broody.

You might stop by this thread on "why my chickens are not laying" and maybe you can gather some insight as to what is going on in your flock. You can also ask this question in that thread.... or even one of our molting threads.

Good luck and I hope you can figure this all out!
A belated welcome to the BYC flock! Glad you joined us!

Never heard of sympathetic molt, but it is entirely possible that the stress of coop changes and sick flock member are impacting their laying habits. Have you also checked for things like lice and mites that could also through off their laying schedules?

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