T̷h̷e̸ ̵G̶a̴m̸e̵ (Chat Thread)

Sent ya a friendo request :3 same name as my title here
Does littlebrownie mean a little dessert brownie or the fairy brownie? At first I thought u meant
??? the fairy but now I think food.
"I was trying!" Xai shouted, briefly shooting an icy glare at Zayne. Frantic fingers grasped another arrow, stringing it hurriedly. C'mon, c'mon, breathe...
The screaming continued, floating over the tree tops. Until it just stopped.

Xavier's heart was in their throat. Its stomach churned, a heavy wave of nausea consuming it. Shoot it, shoot it, shoot it...
The feather tip of the arrow brushed its cheek, its doe-eyed stare locked on the creature and its gaping mouth. The jaw was holding on by brittle, rotted strips of bone and flesh, hanging wide open and swinging with every jagged stride the equine-type creature took. It was staggering, like its legs where too weak to hold the rest of its body up. Liquid seeped around the arrow in its neck, but the creature showed no signs of backing down. Even when the creature stopped and stood completely still, foul smelling liquid draining down the gaping neck, it didn't lay down or hide. It kept its deep red eyes locking on the two people hidden in the tree.
Xai knew they had to shoot it. But the silence was terrifying and left them paralyzed. Wating. Listening.


Oh, no.

The racket surrounding them was loud enough to deafen them, thundering enough to send the pale leaves clinging to the trees spiraling to the ground. The tree shook threateningly, and Xavier turned their stare into Zayne.
Hoof beats hit the ground around them rapidly, threatening shrieks splitting the air. The stench of decaying flesh was enough to make Xavier vomit, their throat burning and stinging as they emptied the contents of their stomach to the ground below.
Several pairs of glowing eyes stared back at the pair from the base of the tree. Xavier's arm snapped onto Zayne's, gripping the boys flesh with a vice-like grip.
It was as if ice has entered it lungs. Freezing them. Its throat had closed.
Frozen, frozen, frozen, frozen.
The world glitched, flickering in and out of few, hazy, grey, spotty. Flashes of color. Akin to an old, malfunctioning TV. Red eyes and snapping, moldy teeth spun below them. Drums were frantically playing in its ears, its head stuffed full of cotton.
A death grip clutched Zayne's arm in one hand, and the bow in another, but its fingers were cold and numb.
Its face was numb.
So cold.
So hot.

I'm gonna die, we're gonna die, do something Xavier, do something.

I'm going to pass out.

A sucking sensation was pulling them under. It wanted to scream, but no sound came out. Pulling, pulling, pulling, and they couldn't resist it.

And the world vanished.

Until it didn't, and solid ground caught the pair.
Xavier's head shot up, glancing around rapidly. Their veins were on fire, their head was full of bees, the stench of death hung heavy in the air.
But they had teleported successfully, landing several yards away from a swamp full of bewildered, starving Kelpies.
It frantically got to its feet, and realizing it was still clinging to Zayne's arm, it attempted to pull him up with it. "Run. Run."
I can't think of the words to describe how much I loved reading this, fr. The details are immaculate. 😩👌/g
Muahaha I went out and watched Encanto last night :p
10/10 it’s such a beautiful movie and I loved everything about it

b r o i just got to watch it on sunday (my partner was insistent on us watching it together smh /lh) but it was so good i love it so much

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