Take this quiz!

Except I got summer bummer
"What Seasonal Character Are You?"

1) Your favorite holiday is:
b)Fourth of July

2)Your favorite thing in the garage?
a)Your planter
b)Your inflateble pool
c)Your decorative leaves
d)Your snow shovel

3) What smiley best describes you in March?
a) :wee


d): he

4)As you get off of the bus for summer vacation,what do you you think?
a) At least this will be more welcomed than that 10 degree weather we had all winter....
b) Woooo Hooo! It's SUMMERTIME!
c)Only 78 days until school starts again.....
d)I wonder what activites we'll do in the winter next year?
Woooo Hoo! It's SUMMERTIME!

5)What best describes you on the first day of school?
a)You're a little down because that cold weather is closer.
b)You feel the world has come to an end.
c)You feel like cheering all day.
d)You're exicted because this means your favorite season is coming up.
I'm down because the cold weather is coming

6) It's mid-November, and snowflakes start to fall. What do you do?
a)Pray they don't last long.
b) "What Seasonal Character Are You?"

1) Your favorite holiday is:
b)Fourth of July

2)Your favorite thing in the garage?
a)Your planter
b)Your inflateble pool
c)Your decorative leaves
d)Your snow shovel

3) What smiley best describes you in March?
a) wee
b) caf
c) fl
d) he

4)As you get off of the bus for summer vacation,what do you you think?
a) At least this will be more welcomed than that 10 degree weather we had all winter....
b) Woooo Hooo! It's SUMMERTIME!
c)Only 78 days until school starts again.....
d)I wonder what activites we'll do in the winter next year?

5)What best describes you on the first day of school?
a)You're a little down because that cold weather is closer.
b)You feel the world has come to an end.
c)You feel like cheering all day.
d)You're exicted because this means your favorite season is coming up.

6) It's mid-November, and snowflakes start to fall. What do you do?
a)Pray they don't last long.
b) Complain the whole time they fall. "It's only mid-November!" *groan and grumble*
c)Are excited,but the joy is bitter-sweet, as you watch your favorite season come to a close.
d)Go out and play and jump around like you're five.
"What Seasonal Character Are You?"

1) Your favorite holiday is:
b)Fourth of July

2)Your favorite thing in the garage?
a)Your planter
b)Your inflateble pool
c)Your decorative leaves
d)Your snow shovel

3) What smiley best describes you in March?
a) wee
b) caf
c) fl
d) he

4)As you get off of the bus for summer vacation,what do you you think?
a) At least this will be more welcomed than that 10 degree weather we had all winter....
b) Woooo Hooo! It's SUMMERTIME!
c)Only 78 days until school starts again.....
d)I wonder what activites we'll do in the winter next year?

5)What best describes you on the first day of school?
a)You're a little down because that cold weather is closer.
b)You feel the world has come to an end.
c)You feel like cheering all day.
d)You're exicted because this means your favorite season is coming up.
I'm down.

6) It's mid-November, and snowflakes start to fall. What do you do?
a)Pray they don't last long.
b) Complain the whole time they fall. "It's only mid-November!" *groan and grumble*
c)Are excited,but the joy is bitter-sweet, as you watch your favorite season come to a close.
d)Go out and play and jump around like you're five.
Complain the whole time they fall.

7)When do you start preparing for Christmas?
a)After Thanksgiving. You like to be prepared, but not jump in too early.
b)Christmas?What Christmas?
c) You start a little before Thanksgiving.
d)In July!! You don't want to miss a thing!!!!
In July!! I don't want to miss a thing!!
i seem to be half summer bummer & half winter wyana winter & summer are my fave seasons.
& my answer thing came out horrible lol Xd

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