Talk to me of arthritis

CityGirl, I know exactly what you are going through.
I would love to compare notes sometime. I haven't yet been able to afford the blood test to tell if mine is Crohns or Celiac disease, but we (doc & I) are leaning towards celiac because of my family history.
In a way I was so relieved to read what you mentioned about the knee to ankle pain. I've had such bad pain from my knees down to my feet lately that I told DH it might be time for a cane - yet it can't be time for a cane, I'm only 48! Still, I have to be able to safely walk around and it's hard to do when your feet feel like the bones have all fused in place! I end up walking like a penguin.
I'm also very interested in this med, Remecaid? So far all they are doing for mine is the prednisone when I have a bad flair and OMG! I hate steroids.
I must admit that I haven't been following my dairy free, gluten free diet very well lately. It's so hard to do when you live in Podunk and sources for gluten-free foods are scarce. Keep meaning to order off the internet, but...
I get the hand pain too, but I'm afraid I don't have any advice for you. I mostly just live with it or when real bad take a darvocet. I can't take NSAIDS like ibuprofen at all and doc says darvocet is just as good as anything else I could buy OTC.

I'll keep you in my good thoughts.
Hi City Girl-- I'm sorry you're hurting so much:hugs
First things first, Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing stuff. My hubby has taken it daily for 5 years and it has helped with his RA a lot. They should have it in a good health food store.......The organic coconut oil is great to use also.... You need to drink a lot of water also...A LOT!!
Next- I would get a wrist/ hand brace, like people who have carpal tunnel issues use.....I would wear it when you are doing heavy farm chores and sleeping. It will keep everything in that region in proper alignment, which will maximize the blood flow to and from the area, which is really important when dealing with RA....

Hope this helps!!
I'll come and help you take care of chickens if it gets too bad...I'm only 45 minutes away.
CityGirl, I know exactly what you are going through.
I would love to compare notes sometime. I haven't yet been able to afford the blood test to tell if mine is Crohns or Celiac disease, but we (doc & I) are leaning towards celiac because of my family history.
In a way I was so relieved to read what you mentioned about the knee to ankle pain. I've had such bad pain from my knees down to my feet lately that I told DH it might be time for a cane - yet it can't be time for a cane, I'm only 48! Still, I have to be able to safely walk around and it's hard to do when your feet feel like the bones have all fused in place! I end up walking like a penguin.
I'm also very interested in this med, Remecaid? So far all they are doing for mine is the prednisone when I have a bad flair and OMG! I hate steroids.
I must admit that I haven't been following my dairy free, gluten free diet very well lately. It's so hard to do when you live in Podunk and sources for gluten-free foods are scarce. Keep meaning to order off the internet, but...
I get the hand pain too, but I'm afraid I don't have any advice for you. I mostly just live with it or when real bad take a darvocet. I can't take NSAIDS like ibuprofen at all and doc says darvocet is just as good as anything else I could buy OTC.

I'll keep you in my good thoughts.

I hate to hear that you are having problems. Your symptoms sound so familiar though. It stinks.
PM me sometime and we can share the nitty gritty details.

I was kind of prepared for the Crohns symptoms. It was when the other random things pop up that it makes me crazy. Like the joint pain. ARG. The first time I got hit with the knee and ankle pain I felt about 80 years old (and I'm only 40). It does feel like all the bones have fused in place. Thankfully, the drugs seem to fix all of my random problems as well as the Crohns. Actually it has kind of gotten to the point that I know when my gut is going to flare when the other symptoms start showing up. Kind of an early warning system if you like.

Remecaid was actually developed for arthritis in the first place. Like many of the Crohns drugs, we pilfered it for our world. It works by binding to the immune system cells and blocking the part that causes inflammation. It works great for me. Prednisone is the only other thing that seems to work and like you I absolutely hate taking it. The side effects are worse than the Crohns. Plus it makes me mean and hateful. It totally changes my personality. Hate it. The downside of the remecaid is that it is an infusion, meaning you can only get it through an IV. I go to an infusion center every 8 weeks. It takes about three hours for them to drip it in. It is also unbelieveable expensive. I think it is about $8000 every time I get it. My insurance thankfully covers it in full once I meet my deductible. The people that make the drug also have some help programs. If I didn't have insurance I likely wouldn't be able to get it though.

PM me and we can chat more.
to you for having to deal with it all.
Awww... aren't you sweet to offer! The kindness of people on here just touches my heart sometimes. You are a dear!

I'll look for a brace next time I hit the store. That's a good idea. Probably the problem will all vanish in a week when I go get drugged up. That's what usually happens anyway. Go good drugs! The brace would be good to have on hand though.

I live in podunk and we don't really have a health food store. The best ones are about an hour away in Nashville and I don't go that way often when school is in session. We are getting a new Publix though. Maybe they'll carry some good stuff. Do we think regular ACV will work too?
Just want to mention - Do you know about this internet store, ?

I do alright when I can follow the dairy-free/gluten-free diet, not great, but alright. I asked the doc if I could still have yogurt and cheese, because I love both and didn't seem to notice a problem with them; but he said that even if they aren't messing with my bowels, they are doing damage. Looks like I am going to have to give up my favorite italian ices too, since I think that's what brought on my latest flair. I ate a whole box of them in two days
OK, y'all; I should qualify that you don't eat all those raw foods together!!

The trick is to use the principals of food combining with a raw diet. Example: eat fruit in the morning and only fruit. Make sure they are of the same type; sweet fruits together, citrus fruits together - stuff like that. (Fruit digests the fastest so if you eat it after something that takes longer to digest, it can ferment causing gas.) Then for lunch either eat vegetables and starches together or vegetables and protiens together; NEVER, EVER eat protiens and starches together; that = gas and indigestion. Eat something alive every day like sprouts or use some dandelion leaves from your yard in a salad. I could go on and on, but just google 'Ann Wigmore'. Read about it and then just try one meal a day raw and use good food combining with your cooked foods. You'll notice having more energy (bad digestion uses a HUGE amount of your energy), your skin will look better and you'll feel better too.
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CityGirl, I was just reading some info. on the celiac and came across this ad:

It seems like publix does carry a decent line of gluten free foods.

Lucky you! I loved shopping at publix when I was younger and always go to the one near my dad's when we visit him in Florida. Here in Podunk, Ark. we only have a walmart. It's a dinky one and 20 miles away.

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