Talk to me of arthritis

Noodleroo, you have no idea how much I crave salad and raw fruits and veggies. A big huge salad with carrots and maybe a little cheese and ham... YUM! I haven't had a big huge salad in two decades. I finally got to the place where I could eat a smallish bowl of lettuce with some dressing, but only at my own home. There is something sprayed on restaurant salads to keep it looking fresh that just rips me up! I forgot once and ate a sub with shredded lettuce at my niece's b'day party. I was sick for hours after that one and missed the rest of the party. Stupid me.
Man, I miss salad.

Carrots and apples (two of my favorites) always cause trouble. I eat them every now and then knowing full well I'll pay. Sometimes you just have to have an apple.

Don't even get me started on broccoli and corn. Sigh. Fresh broccoli and fresh sweet corn. mmmmmm....

I'll go read her page, but to be honest I am very, very leary of eating raw anything anymore. Inevitably I pay for it. Carbs are about the only thing guaranteed to be okay. (Which explains why I am the size of a barn and tired all the time...) Bring on the dry cereal, white rice and potatoes.
Citygirlinthecountry; I'm so sorry you have so much trouble with the way your food processes in your body. I don't mean to make lite of it, either. I can't imagine going through what you have. But I believe that for every illness and ailment there is a remedy; we just have to find it. Sometimes its with traditional medicine. Sometimes its with some simple lifestyle changes but everybody has to figure it out for themselves. Don't settle for anything but good health and don't be afraid to think for yourself when it comes to your own health care.

Who knows, you may be enjoying a perfect salad sooner than you think...
So this bones fused together it at certain times? like I walk like a penguin (so sounded familiar) in the morning for about two hours, then after lunch break, because I sit down for 30 min, and if I have a "lazy day" where I'm in one position all the time....its all day pain and waddling for me.
My knees and ankles (when they get bad) are always worse in the morning and after inactivity. This hand thing seems to get worse as the day goes on. Dunno.

The funny thing is that the arthritis part doesn't flare every time the drugs wear off. It's just every now and then. The hand thing has never happened before. It is possible that I messed it up working this past week adn teh drugs wearing off is making it worse. Beats me. Autoimmune world is a strange place.

Have you tried dosing up with ibuprofen in the morning or starting the day with a hot bath? That might loosen everything back up enough to get you moving. Good luck with it. It stinks when your mobility is effected.
That's exactly how it is for me. I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning and getting stable on my feet, due to that feeling (made worse by two german shepherds both trying to get out the backdoor at the same time), then it goes away. I'm okay as long as I'm on my feet, the pain is manageable. Sit down for a few and get back up and it starts all over again. Another example is our twice monthly trips to the grocery store. I do fine with all the walking around in the store but by the time we get home and I'm ready to get out of the jeep, the bones have fused again and I can barely make it to the door.

Sorry CityGirl, didn't mean to hijack.
NO, no... carry on! The more info we share with each other, the better the chance we can all figure out a way to feel better. Knowledge is power (that's my public service announcement for the day).

I'm like both of you. Once I get moving, I am good. If I ever sit for a while I stiffen up. Heat and ibuprofen help. A long soak in the tub with the hottest water I can stand works wonders.
Noodleroo, you have no idea how much I crave salad and raw fruits and veggies. A big huge salad with carrots and maybe a little cheese and ham... YUM! I haven't had a big huge salad in two decades. I finally got to the place where I could eat a smallish bowl of lettuce with some dressing, but only at my own home. There is something sprayed on restaurant salads to keep it looking fresh that just rips me up! I forgot once and ate a sub with shredded lettuce at my niece's b'day party. I was sick for hours after that one and missed the rest of the party. Stupid me.
Man, I miss salad.

Carrots and apples (two of my favorites) always cause trouble. I eat them every now and then knowing full well I'll pay. Sometimes you just have to have an apple.

Don't even get me started on broccoli and corn. Sigh. Fresh broccoli and fresh sweet corn. mmmmmm....

I'll go read her page, but to be honest I am very, very leary of eating raw anything anymore. Inevitably I pay for it. Carbs are about the only thing guaranteed to be okay. (Which explains why I am the size of a barn and tired all the time...) Bring on the dry cereal, white rice and potatoes.

Darn.. sorry you're having such troubles..
So where do you find it and how do you take it? Tablespoon a day? In something?

Sorry for the delay. Just checking back in after a few days.

I take 1-2 tbsp daily, mostly in my morning coffee. Start slow with 1 tsp for a day or two and then increase. You could also cook with it bake or make a nice candy if thats easier.
It speeds up your metabolism so I don't take any after 3pm.
You can get it in any health food store and some other grocery stores like WholeFoods or better prices online like Amazon.

Hope this helps.
By the way, I asked my brother and he said as well as he can remember I had an ordinary case of the chicken pox. No worse than any of the other kids in my family. I do know I have a few chicken pox scars.

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