Talking to your chicks, bad or good?


6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
I tend to go out and enter the chicken coop and talk with my chicks, I know that their animals and a few of them will be freezer bound in a few weeks but, I just wondered if anyone else did this, it's kind of an experiment to see if I can de-stress them with people being around, and maybe if they are happy being talked to that when they do start laying eggs, they may produce more as a reward of being so nice to them, I know it might seem foolish but, I find it fun to do.

Thoughts/opinions on this?
Welcome to the crazy world of chickens :) I talk to my chickens - Willing to admit it or not I think most people talk to there animals.
I can't help BUT talk to my chicks. I mean, come on, the way they cock their heads at you? Ya gotta think they're listening and trying to understand, right?
I can't help BUT talk to my chicks. I mean, come on, the way they cock their heads at you? Ya gotta think they're listening and trying to understand, right?
I caught my husband who is SO NOT INTO CHICKENS saying hi to them today!!! I find it to be a great stress buster to spend a few minutes talking and visiting with them. Found myself toting one around the yard the other day, and enjoying the way she settled down for the ride and enjoyed the view.
Since chickens talk to each other, I don't find it strange at all to talk to them myself. In fact, if I'm going to be entering the coop at night for some reason, I always announce myself before opening the door. "I'm comin' in, babies!" That way they know it's me coming into the coop, and not a big, scary predator. I've found it is a lot less stressful for them, and they fuss a lot less.

I also pay attention to the kinds of sounds they make to each other when they're content and peaceful, and try to imitate that "tone" when I talk to them. Our rooster Mars is a lot less anxious in my presence when I talk to him and let him know what I'm doing than if I move about the run without a word. I know he can't understand English, but he recognizes my tone. I say something like, "Don't worry, big fella, I'm not after you. Just checking on things," and he relaxes. Instead of darting away from me whenever I get close, he starts following me around to see if I happen to be in the mood to toss out any treats. I talk to our new baby chicks, too, especially while handling them. It helps them learn that the sight and sound of me is not something they should be afraid of.

I always say, "God bless you" to the chickens sitting in the nesting boxes when I collect eggs. I do like to sit with them on summer mornings and have a cup of tea.
I talk a lot to my 13 5-week-old chicks. Usually two or three times per day. I say "chick, chick, chick" when I enter their brooder shed, and then whistle to them, kind of a meadowlark song. They seem to enjoy it. We handle them a lot too, and they all like to sit on our knee and sometimes start to fall asleep there. Also, I play the radio for them almost all day, a mix of country and rock classics, to keep them used to the human voice. Seems to be working so far!


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