Taming a Rooster?

I would cull this one and get a chick cockerel and handle him daily to get a better tempered rooster.
Handling a chick constantly will make your hens so much friendlier. That doesn't usually hold true with cockerels. My sweet little Repecca was my favorite baby. Everyone in the family handled her, even friends visiting loved her. She would let me hold her, pet her, hand feed her, wash poopies from her feathers. She would sit on my lap. Then...she crowed. Very late bloomer. New name, Roopecca. Hormones set in and he only knows he must protect his ladies from interlopers. Since they are in fort knox I am the only non-chicken being that enters his domain therefore I am the interloper. I did have to work with him and do some learning of my own to curb this. I can walk in unafraid now but poor hubby, who insists on doing friendly things like hand feed Roopecca, gets bit. Roosters just don't live under the same life rules as hens.
Op has lots of advice covering the entire spectrum of choices. Now it's up to her.
That is funny seems all I have ever really needed to do to prevent being attacked is to act like I want to pet and love up on the roo. They rend to head the other way as ssoon as they see me if not they head out as soon as I bend a little and act like im in petting mode :D
That is funny seems all I have ever really needed to do to prevent being attacked is to act like I want to pet and love up on the roo. They rend to head the other way as ssoon as they see me if not they head out as soon as I bend a little and act like im in petting mode :D
We have a Rhode Island Red rooster, and though he’s great with his girls and keeps them in line, he is a little devil when it comes to me. I’ve found that carrying a broom with me when going in the coop helps. If he gets out of line we just give him a good tap and that does the trick. Good luck taming your sex link, he’s beautiful! :)
Hey. I have a mean rooster, Georgia (I though he was a she when he was a chick). He stays in the coop and run (they're all together) and the top of the run is covered with fencing so I only have to carry a stick when I enter the coop or run. He backs off as long as the hens don't make alarm sounds or scared sounds. I have newphew he's two and we take great care in teaching him, the child, that Georgia is mean and not to put his hands in the fence. His mother says that when he gets a little peck on the hand he'll learn to keeps his hands out of the fences.
View attachment 1693221 Is that even possible? I have a black sex link rooster that I have a love hate relationship with. He’s so beautiful but he is such a jerk. Hes just so mean. This is the only real good pic I have of him and my husband took it.
View attachment 1693221 Is that even possible? I have a black sex link rooster that I have a love hate relationship with. He’s so beautiful but he is such a jerk. Hes just so mean. This is the only real good pic I have of him and my husband took it.

Don't bother trying to make a mean rooster friendly. You have to do it from the time they are chicks. The mean ones won't become friendly. When they are friendly as chicks you have a better chance of having a friendly rooster. I have a rooster that just wondered over to my place. It's all woods here and I can hear chickens around. This rooster has been here for a month, he's about 5 or 6 months old just started to get his long tail feathers in the past month. (I used to have chickens, I don't have them anymore.) I only have this rooster. He is so friendly. I made him a pen in my garage and he just walks into the pen at night. During the day he wants to be on the front or back porch. I made him a daytime pen in the woods but he paces when he is in there. I don't know what to do with him. I'm also not sure what to feed one rooster. I bought a bag of chick feed, he likes sunflower seeds, other bird seed, meal worms, whole corn, scratch. I never gave much of that to my hens, they got Layena. He was skinny, now he looks better. People who come here love to see him, he's not at all aggressive. Not sure if that will hold. Would he be happy in a pen if I got another rooster? I don't want to start the whole hen house thing again. He gets along with my golden retriever who is about a year old.
All my "pet" roosters have always turned out friendly. But a rooster that I don't "bond" with or actually spend hands on quality time with, tend to be jerks.


This is my boy Chip. My baby! My love! My cutie pie! (you get the point lol).
Raised him inside the house from the moment he hatched. He recently went on vacation with me (he is sick and no way in HELLO I was leaving him home where I couldn't doctor and keep my eye on him). I love roosters and tend to prefer them over hens when it comes to making them pets. They tend to have more personality IMO.
And oh,
I do have a rooster that is a complete *bleep* but I finally broke him from attacking. He started getting put in "chicken jail" whenever he attacked: aka caught him with a plastic milk crate and left him under there to think about what he did for a few hours. Even left him under there all night 1x. Kind of mean I know, but he drew blood and I was mad. After 3-4 different times in jail, he hasn't tried me yet.
My rooster Hans is beautiful 2' tail feathers; he's not mean to me. There is one hen(buffy) that he would really like to kill. He has hurt her in the past and I put her in her own pen and doctored her for a month. Now that the weather is getting a bit better, I let him and the rest of the girls out except the one he hates. He hops along the fence trying to get to her. I really dont want to get rid of either one, but I cant have him killing her. Maybe he hates her color?

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