Taming my rooster


May 1, 2016
I'm 11 years old and I'm very gentle and try not to hurt animals. My rooster (Tonto) is a bantam naked neck rooster and he attacks me. The weird thing is his breed (naked neck) is the gentlest breed. He is also very intelligent because he only attacks me when no one is near enough to notice that he is fighting. I need to know why he is fighting me and how to possibly fix it without hurting him (spraying water, keeping in a cage, holding him by the legs, ect.)? I have 2 theories so far;
1. When he was about a month old I played my trumpet many times. He might have thought that I was another rooster trying to compete with him.
2. After our other rooster (they fought) passed away (this is when he started fighting me) he wanted to compete with a rooster. He recognized our hen as a hen but wasn't sure about me so started referring to me as another rooster.
please help
You have been kind to him and treated him well as a pet. You know about the pecking order. As the head rooster it is his duty to subordinate the rest of his flock - he regards you as an equal and wants to subordinate you. The spray bottle works for some people. For me grabbing the rooster and firmly forcing him to the ground until he stops resisting has worked. Also scooping him up in a short handled fishing net and carrying him around has worked. Good luck with him, and do not turn your back on him - he will periodically test you.

You might want to edit your post to eliminate your age.
Thanks, Sourland, i will try that with Tonto
I can't figure out how to edit my post...

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