Target weight loss for quail?


Oct 24, 2018
I’ve been trying to find the target weight loss for incubating quail eggs but can’t find a set answer, just what people use themselves. I’m still learning to navigate the site so maybe I’m just not looking right.

So what’s the target weight loss for quails, total and weekly?

I’ve only searched how to incubate Muscovy ducks so far and one guide said the weight loss is relative to the humidity, too little weight loss is too high humidity, too much weight loss is too low humidity, is it the same for quails?

Thank you!

I can't give you the number you are looking for because I do not know.
I can tell you that humidity does play a role...the same way as you read with duck eggs.

All eggs.;)
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I'm pretty sure I've seen threads about it on this forum before.. I'm not sure about the conclusion though. About 30% perhaps? (Edit: for anyone reading this later - it's more around 13-15%) If you can find it for chicken eggs, I suppose it's around the same.
Anyway, if you just need it for incubating them, I wouldn't stress about it. They are pretty resilient. Candle at day 10 or so - if the air cell seems small, don't add more water till lockdown. If it seems large, add even more water than you did before. What is small and large? Well.. I think the air cell should be around 1/4 of the egg at day 10. There are probably pictures somewhere on this forum as well.
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I'm pretty sure I've seen threads about it on this forum before.. I'm not sure about the conclusion though. About 30% perhaps? (Edit: for anyone reading this later - it's more around 13-15%) If you can find it for chicken eggs, I suppose it's around the same.
Anyway, if you just need it for incubating them, I wouldn't stress about it. They are pretty resilient. Candle at day 10 or so - if the air cell seems small, don't add more water till lockdown. If it seems large, add even more water than you did before. What is small and large? Well.. I think the air cell should be around 1/4 of the egg at day 10. There are probably pictures somewhere on this forum as well.

Thank you! This actually helps a lot! Yeah the whole size of air cell thing I’ve read about too but since I’m a newbie to hatching anything I have no frame of reference lol. Thank you!
Since they are small, the weight change is hard to pinpoint, and since they are opaque, it is hard to candle. I mean you're probably talking 2-3 grams over the whole course of incubation.

The more you handle them, the more likely bad things are to happen. My method (in my incubator, my climate, etc.) is 40% humidity for the first 14 days, then candle at lockdown and remove the duds, and raise humidity to 50-55% for the hatch. I get over 90% on fertile eggs.

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