Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

Great job Moby! I am sure Buttercup would be proud of you and fatdaddy. It amazes me how far your experiment has spread. Hopefully someday I will get my hands on some of those big babies. I am definitely not equipped for anything like that right now. Thank you for educating all of us! You rock
thank you EHQ,

The level of interest in the project is very humbling.

I want to make sure ya'll know that I (we) understand that we are "just waves on an ocean", in terms of our little dots on the "coturnix map".

Over a thousand years of domestication, many people have come before and many will come after. In the end, it is still a "lil brown bird".

The hope- adding in some #s, pics and vids to the collective consciousness will find its way to and interest that one person who just may make a difference and take it the next step.

I try to answer the questions that I asked myself as a newb and so many times people ask, what qualifies a "jumbo".
Well, hopefully by following some rough guidelines, we can collectively outline a generally accepted model and move forward from there.

Again, I am just a hobby farmer, I am sure there are some Quail farmers, retail and commercial, public and private, out there who have genuine "Mobys", but may not have a computer or internet access, or who just prefer to remain anonymous. I do appreciate their actual "work" with the birds.
One of these days when I have a place an a job LMAO I'm going to follow in your footsteps and do this!

What is your current objective with these birds? Like, what weight are you aiming at, at what age, in what percent of your hatch? i.e. 60% of birds hatched weigh 350g or more by 6 weeks?
One of these days when I have a place an a job LMAO I'm going to follow in your footsteps and do this!

What is your current objective with these birds? Like, what weight are you aiming at, at what age, in what percent of your hatch? i.e. 60% of birds hatched weigh 350g or more by 6 weeks?

well for now, getting a population of birds that meet our current goals, 10oz by 6 wks and lay a 14 gr egg, is a start.
after that, getting some more colors, e.g., white, splits, roux? to make the standard would be a good next step.
3 of 5 of the last setting hatched so far, they will be version v2.29.2012
I weighed them fresh from the egg, 12g, 12g, 11g
1 brown and 2 whites which is interesting because these are split x split, these last 5 eggs.
I expect only 25% white, but guess each one is a separate flip of the coin.
Moby, I've recently been in contact with a potential "new" steward in the east. I will be sending out 6 dozen or so to ensure a great start. I currently have over 300 eggs in my incubators right now and expect the first ones to start zippin' on Sunday. In the next couple of weeks I should be able to send out some more to anybody that you may have found that needs them. Let me know if you need the backup.

Have you noticed any correlation between bird size and rate of lay?

they lay everyday or lets say 20/21 days, like clockwork, once they get ramped up past the pullet stage. but I have mine on 16 hours of light. and the big brown hens are right at their prime,~ 8 months now?

(btw, I am in georgia now, picking up a new wheaten roo... hehehe)

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