Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

where can i get a start in these quail now that i joined the site here can any one offer me some eggs ?

I dont think it works like that. Most of the folks that keep these birds have moved on and rarely read this thread... Most are a group of friends that were friends before any eggs changed hands. One friend to another. There are friends that have waited nearly a year for stock from this line. I dont know of anyone selling or gifting this line of birds as of now. Many are building stock for a winter "Pass it to the left" swap that has been planned ensure the line retains "fresh blood". Good luck, Bill
I dont think it works like that. Most of the folks that keep these birds have moved on and rarely read this thread... Most are a group of friends that were friends before any eggs changed hands. One friend to another. There are friends that have waited nearly a year for stock from this line. I dont know of anyone selling or gifting this line of birds as of now. Many are building stock for a winter "Pass it to the left" swap that has been planned ensure the line retains "fresh blood". Good luck, Bill
Hi Fat Daddy,
If what you say is true, can you then tell me where us foreigners can go if we really want to aquire some big eggs or birds. I would be happy if it is 14g eggs and I'm willing to pay for them and the shipping to South Africa. Here we are stranded with birds that all came from one breeder that has originally imported birds. We are desperate for new blood, even if it is not Tatankas. I just don't want to spend all the money that it's going to cost me to build a quarintine facility and the import cost to end up with inferior birds from unreputable breeders. I found there are too many people that just want to sell for the sake of making money. They have no interest in bettering the birds. especially here in SA.
Please help!
BTW do you know what happend to that huge chick that hatched out of the 21g egg? The chick weighed 14g at time of hatch.
This is a tried and true reputable breeder. You will find him as helpful as anyone you have ever met. The meat class birds are close to the Tatankas and you will be pleased. I dont know about shipping to Africa thou.... Send him a email or give him call. Robby is who your look'n for and good people. Good luck, Bill

OPPs, Forgot to add the link!

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Thanks a lot for the info. I will definitely get in to contact with him. First I will have to sort out the Government on this side to get hold of the regulations import permits and the like.
thank you, this is the next setting

planning 16-20 settings of the same size.

not selling anything yet, once I am satisfied may revisit that option.
I weighed Tatanka version v11.5.2012 these are 28 days old on 12.3.2012

Whites; 232 220 221 223 227 225 221g
Browns; 221 223 235 195 226 237 220g

I'm looking for 224g (8oz.) @ 28days to make it to the next level of the projects tower.

and this young hen is 237g, almost 8.5 oz at just 28 days.


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