Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

Hi everyone!
I've been so busy I haven't had time to log in.
Hope everyone is doing well in the exams, with college applications, and the headaches are all gone by now
Speaking of which, have you tried feverfew tea? It's usually very good. One thing that works for me when I have headaches is strong black tea or coffee. But I get very mild headaches and only once in a while.
I went on the internet a while ago to get some tea recipes and bumped into this one, that happens to be for headaches. Never tried it, but hope it helps:
4 parts of chamomile tea
3 parts lemon balm
2 parts feverfew
1 part skullcap
1 part passion flower
1/4 part ginger root
Measure the partsof each of the herbs listed and mix in a large bowl until well combined. Brew in infuser or teapot. Will keep for 6 months if stored in cool, dark place.

If I don't show up till after Christmas, may you all have a blessed one!
Oh thank you! That is helpful. Baby is growing and has a lot of personality! He/she is about 3cm now. If I was going to guess, I'd say he has a male just because it will posture if you put your finger up to the glass to point at something.

He might just end up living in the quarantine tank because my son is enjoying him/her so much.
I will have him read this and use his younger eyes to check for these items,
The community tank has pillars and caves, and plastic vegetation for hiding and cover, but also floating live vegetation for nibbling and nitrogen sponging.

The community tank has otocinclus, glass cats, marble hatchet (they don't grow as quick as the silver ones so they are still small), rummy nose, cardinal neons, green neons, and blue neons.

It is a 50 gallon. lots of water per fish.

If we figure it is male, we might get another in hopes that it is female. If not, he might just have to get more betta tanks.
Baby Blue Betta is FUN. (B cubed for short.)
I have read good things about feverfew. It is a legume isn't it?
We have a neat health food store near by. I will go see what they have.
The headache took a month to break. I do not know why it took so long.
It is gone now, so I am happy about that!
Looks like a good combination of non-aggressive fish in your tank. And the pH range seems to match what better fish like. But I think your son is going to have more fun if he keeps B where he/she is. I find bettas to be so interactive with people and they really like to be by themselves.
Sometimes, depending on how hard plastic plants are, they can make tiny slices on the fins of bettas. These micro cuts can be an open door for future infections. I like flat leafed plants that are closer to the surface for bettas, as they like to rest their long fins there. Post pictures as baby B grows. I'm curious to see what it turns out to be.

Sticking to the thread and talking about tea
, I think feverfew is close to daisies? That's what it looks like.
I will tell him about the plastic plants. that might be what happened to his last community tank Bettas. It fits the problems.

Feverfew is a composite. yep! You are right! I was thinking Fenugreek.
I thought it might be fun to try that as a cover crop, But I think Florida is too wet for it.

I have to make Russian Tea each year for my son. It is the lemonade mix, tang, sugar, instant tea, and spices. He does not drink it as much as he just wants it around.

When he was a kid he liked the sweetness, but now that he is older he likes the peppermints and ginger teas.

I have no idea what I am going to do with all of the Russian Tea mix.. Maybe I can make cookies with it.

I have been juicing my Turmeric root and adding it to my juice to ward off any seasonal bug. I might try it hot with lemon and honey.
but... It's bitter.
I know that turmeric taste :( you're a brave person !!
May you all have a holiday filled with love and peace.
And may our friendship only strengthen through the joys of chicken keeping and love of tea! :)
You Too!

I have 'met' some really nice people on BYC.
It is fun to chitchat with friends over tea without having to tidy up the house first!

Have a great holiday, and don't work too hard in the kitchen!
Hey, ya'll!
Been a while. I've been busy with school work and chickens and kids, etc. Psych Statistics is not easy, all the negative negative negatives. Earth science class is a pain, but it's credits and it's not difficult. DD helped me tag all the chickens Thursday. Somehow, she's better able to catch them than I am; I really do know why, it's b/c she takes care of them when they're little and I'm too busy (or not feeling well). Also, DH ordered more chicks.
He ordered more NHs, but he was super sweet and ordered me some rare breed assorted pullets, so I have to wait and see what I get. Also, (speaking of fish, as you all were) my DS is starting up a fish tank; he's doing a fishless cycle; it seemed like it was going alright and then it seemed to stall. We were able to get some seeding material from PetSmart, so he and DH are going to test again tomorrow or the next day to see how things are going. Do you have any advice for him?
Also, I got some Chocolate Mint tea; it's in a square metal tin, and I got it from Target. It's yummy. I like it with a bit of sugar and a little half & half.
I just had regular statistics and I remember doing it and doing alright, but not really understanding what i was doing.
I would look at the formula sheet and go,"Enie meenie miney moe"
Good luck with the new chicks.
I think it is exciting that you don't know what is what until they are grown up a bit.
Hi all!
I'm finally back at BYC. How's everybody? Here it's been so cold and the snow is falling non-stop! I am so ready for spring I keep dreaming with my garden. All I see is white
Winter is the season I dream of living in FL, CA, AZ, TX...

TeaChick, let me know how the fish tank is doing. Maybe I could help you if you give me more details. Also, post pics of your new chicks. I'd love to see them. I am still hoping to find English Lavender Orpingtons. Maybe this will be my lucky year.

I am drinking lady gray, irish and english breakfast, mint, chamomile spearmint, mate tea. Any tea I can get my hands in to feel a little warmer. All I can say is that I haven't been very picky
I should try chocolate mint tea. I had a bunch of chocolate mint planted in my garden a few years ago, but it seems the peppermint took over.

Stay safe and warm.

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