Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

I just had regular statistics and I remember doing it and doing alright, but not really understanding what i was doing.
I would look at the formula sheet and go,"Enie meenie miney moe"
Good luck with the new chicks.
I think it is exciting that you don't know what is what until they are grown up a bit.

Yeah, DH took regular statistics. Thankfully, all I have to do is learn how to use a computer program that does all the figuring for me and then know and understand what it's saying to me about the data I entered. I used the "enie, meenie, miney, moe" method in College Algebra twenty years ago. lol
Thanks! =) I'm super excited!!!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to all the research and figuring out! =) Hopefully, I get some fun egg colors in there and hopefully I get some really pretty yard candy. =)

Hi all!
I'm finally back at BYC. How's everybody? Here it's been so cold and the snow is falling non-stop! I am so ready for spring I keep dreaming with my garden. All I see is white
Winter is the season I dream of living in FL, CA, AZ, TX...

TeaChick, let me know how the fish tank is doing. Maybe I could help you if you give me more details. Also, post pics of your new chicks. I'd love to see them. I am still hoping to find English Lavender Orpingtons. Maybe this will be my lucky year.

I am drinking lady gray, irish and english breakfast, mint, chamomile spearmint, mate tea. Any tea I can get my hands in to feel a little warmer. All I can say is that I haven't been very picky
I should try chocolate mint tea. I had a bunch of chocolate mint planted in my garden a few years ago, but it seems the peppermint took over.

Stay safe and warm.

Welcome back! =)
Yeah, I miss spring too. lol

DS said it took 4 days to come down by 2PPM of ammonia. They (DS and DH) brought it back up to 4PPM and they're going to check it again today some time.

I'll post pics here and on my thread.
IDK about English, but Meyer is selling Lavender Orps.

I had a cup of Market Pantry tea; just finished it. I'm probably going to go for something a bit lighter on the caffeine in a little while, probably green tea w/ mint. But if I get a headache later, I'll have to hit the black tea again. lol
Even I'm not picky about hot drinks this time of year, as long as they don't burn my tongue, and even then...
I didn't know there was such a thing as chocolate mint!!!! The tea I have (I got at Target) has black tea, mint, and cocoa. Yummy.

Thanks, Hon! You stay safe and warm too! =)
How exciting!!! Here's hoping for a girl! Pictures, please!
Meyer doesn't sell English Orpingtons. I have to get some from a breeder. It's been tough finding one, though. The only thing I don't like about buying from breeders is that chicks don't come sexed. I really can't have roosters. And I ended up with one . The good thing is he is the quiet type so far. Only crows in the morning to be let out.

Give me more details about your fish tank. Size, how long you've been cycling, plants, type of gravel, etc. I love fish, but right now I only have one tank. I need to get my house organized before I can take any more animals. Even if only fish

In my haste to read the msgs quickly, I thought I read you got chocolate mint tea

There is such a thing as chocolate mint. It has small, round leaves and a distinct smell that most people relate to chocolate. Frankly, I think it smells like something else.
One spring I went mint crazy and gathered up all the different mints I could get a hold of.
The chocolate mint did not smell too chocolaty, but the orange mint was amazing!
of course it was the first to die.

The following year I went scented geranium crazy.
I have lost all of those too, but that was fun.
Every time I went into the green house I was petting the tops of the plants and stinking up the whole place. I talk to them too. If my plants suddenly turned into animals, they'd all be dogs. "Who's a good geranium? who smell so nice? You do! yes, you do!"

I have 15 benches in the ebb and flow house.
One bench sort of slowly became my pet plant bench....now I have three benches.
I need to whoa back.

I need to replace my non layers with new chicks! oh.. not replace...supplement.
My husband wants lavender orpingtons, but I like the mixed chick idea a whole lot.

I hope your egg is a girl!
The good thing about having a garden is that it can be your lab. Actually, that's the best part of my garden. I sometimes wish it looked spotless and tidy, but I just can't resist planting different plants to see what is going to happen, who is going to survive, which varieties are more suitable for my soil, etc. And I too speak with my plants
, but I think of them more like cats with a mind of their own.

Where did you get orange mint? It should taste superb as tea and in a salad!
We have an annual master gardener's spring plant sale here.
There are always herb vendors and when I go I have to be really careful not to over extend myself.
I do not go wild about clothes, jewelery, or home furnishings, but seeds and plants and fruit trees... I may have a problem.
..and books. I still have to remind myself that I have way more books than shelves

I avoid used book sales.
I know myself too well.
How exciting!!! Here's hoping for a girl! Pictures, please! Pics in the reply. I also got Red Sex-Links today. =)
Meyer doesn't sell English Orpingtons. I have to get some from a breeder. It's been tough finding one, though. The only thing I don't like about buying from breeders is that chicks don't come sexed. I really can't have roosters. And I ended up with one . The good thing is he is the quiet type so far. Only crows in the morning to be let out. When can you tell whether they're male or female? I hate doing away with extra males, but maybe you can rehome them. Free on CL is one way. I need a grow pen for my extra boys. =( But I'll look like this when it's time to eat them:
and then

Give me more details about your fish tank. Size, how long you've been cycling, plants, type of gravel, etc. I love fish, but right now I only have one tank. I need to get my house organized before I can take any more animals. Even if only fish

The tank is 10 gallons. We've been cycling for a month-ish, I think. I'll ask the "man" keeping the records...(to DS) "When did you start cycling your fish tank?" (DS answers) "I don't know, but I'll go check my records."....."It was on January fifth." (Grateful mother says) "Alright, thank you." =)
Anyway, that makes it 5 1/2 to 6 weeks. They checked yesterday or the day before and found out that the ammonia is dropping. They added some to feed the bacteria and they're going to check again later today (so it was the day before yesterday). I'll post an update if I get a chance.
Plants, none. type of gravel, black (IDK; hang on again)...we don't know, just heavy and black and small.
What kind(s) of fish do you have in your tank?
Oh, I'll post a picture of it.

In my haste to read the msgs quickly, I thought I read you got chocolate mint tea

There is such a thing as chocolate mint. It has small, round leaves and a distinct smell that most people relate to chocolate. Frankly, I think it smells like something else.

Oh, my. Well, I'll see if I can smell the chocolate or ... something else. lol
I think it's a girl. Looks like there's some red in the head and neck area. NH roo over WL hen gives a sex-link, kind of. I've done some reading and the ones that hatch out with red are females, but the ones that hatch out white are not necessarily boys, they could be girls with white bleeding into the red (even with as much as all white).

Here are the red sex-links I got this morning. Well, that's most of them. I got 12, but they're all over the brooder, so I couldn't get them all in the frame at the same time. lol

One spring I went mint crazy and gathered up all the different mints I could get a hold of.
The chocolate mint did not smell too chocolaty, but the orange mint was amazing!
of course it was the first to die.

The following year I went scented geranium crazy.
I have lost all of those too, but that was fun.
Every time I went into the green house I was petting the tops of the plants and stinking up the whole place. I talk to them too. If my plants suddenly turned into animals, they'd all be dogs. "Who's a good geranium? who smell so nice? You do! yes, you do!"

I have 15 benches in the ebb and flow house.
One bench sort of slowly became my pet plant bench....now I have three benches.
I need to whoa back.

I need to replace my non layers with new chicks! oh.. not replace...supplement.
My husband wants lavender orpingtons, but I like the mixed chick idea a whole lot.

I hope your egg is a girl!

Yeah, DH keeps me from going anything crazy. Except chickens. Well, he doesn't let me go too "crazy" with them. As long as he keeps letting me buy chicks and/or hatch eggs, I'm happy. =)
No geraniums here. I'm not a fan. But roses are something I could collect, them and daisies, and chickens, and children (although we've stopped collecting those for now), and I like blankets and little boxes and coffee cups and....I can't think of anything else right now.

Ebb and flow house? Is that a pet name or a green-thumbed-person actual term?
I did the same thing with chickens. I started with one coop, then built a new one for those chickens, then a neighbor hatched me more chicks for the first coop, then she gave me a brooder and I got chicks for that, then they went to the first coop, then we re-built the first coop, and ... Well, you get the picture. We're working on plastic tote brooders, and our next project is going to be another NH coop.

Yeah, I only replace extra boys with chicks (hopefully girls) and hens that I lose to predation. Thankfully, I don't have any no-longer-laying hens. Although, one isn't laying right now; I hope she's not on the way out. I'm going to have to get the kids to hunt for a hidden nest.

I want a little bit of everything, so the mixed chick route is the way to go for me. DH likes the NHs, so that's why we have those. =)

Thanks! It looks like it probably is.

The good thing about having a garden is that it can be your lab. Actually, that's the best part of my garden. I sometimes wish it looked spotless and tidy, but I just can't resist planting different plants to see what is going to happen, who is going to survive, which varieties are more suitable for my soil, etc. And I too speak with my plants
, but I think of them more like cats with a mind of their own.

Where did you get orange mint? It should taste superb as tea and in a salad!

I just kill plants, so DD handles the garden. It's really just herbs in pots, but I'm hoping to get some heirloom seeds from my Aunt. We'll see how those do. I'm hoping for sunflowers and tomatoes; IDK what else I might get, maybe some corn. We'll see.
I'll have to look locally for the orange mint; that does sound good!!!
Don't worry about talking to plants, at least they're basically alive. I talk to appliances.
Ebb and Flo benches. They are benches that hold water. A pump pumps the water from a holding tank in the ground up into the benches. Once the timer turns off the solenoid, gravity drains the bench back into the submerged tank. It saves water and fertilizer, and keeps the water off of the plant which keeps the fungus and bacteria problems down. It is nice because it is an automatic timer and I do not have to be there to make it happen.
It also helps in keeping fertilizer out of the aquifer and run off out of the waterways.
Here is a picture of the benches:

They were from Holland. I told my husband if we were going to do this nursery business thing, we were going to do it right.
My mistake.
We should have invested in Microsoft.

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